Skills You Can Learn For Free And At Your Own Time As A Student

Let get right to the skills and we would be listing websites you can get resources from. Enjoy 


From mobile apps to custom plugins, coding is a major component of online business and one that’s probably not going to go away for awhile.

Check out


Companies are always looking for people to help them with translating, and even if you don’t know a second language right now…that’s okay!

There’s plenty of options out there for this as well, but out of everything I’ve looked into, it seems like the best free resource is

Graphic Design

From what I’ve noticed, the entire “learning” aspect of this comes in the form of learning graphic design tools, which can take some time…

Unless you decide to use some incredible free tools out there today, such as

And trust me, even if you’re not the design type or have never run a Graphic Design tool before…

Canva is something that anybody can use.

P.S. Just go to, sign-up for a free account, create a few examples and voila…you’ve started a freelance career.

Copy writing 


Copywriting is something that companies use everyday, and trust me, as somebody who has a few years of experience in this field…

Companies pay very well for it too.

And that’s all great, but here’s the best part…

It’s really not that hard to learn either, as you can become an above average Copywriter by studying the free resources at

Heck, and even if you don’t use this skill to become a freelancer yourself…

It’s always a helpful skill that you can use for a future business, so why not take a look?

P.S. If you’re looking for one specific skill to start with, do SEO Copywriting. It’s pretty much a blogger that understands SEO, and once you get a decent understanding of this…companies pay pretty well.


Now most people think of SEO as some game, where you try to get backlinks on random sites or insert keywords in random places…

And some of that might be true, but SEO really boils down to attracting more visitors on your website and understanding how you’re getting them there…

Which is why some companies will hire freelancers to help with this.

I know when I first started I would’ve loved to have somebody help me understand everything, as I didn’t quite understand where traffic was coming from and how I could increase it…

Which is also why I was amazed to hear about a free course offered by Google themselves, and that’s a free course that shows you everything you need to know about this field.

In other words, if you like Data Analytics, I highly advise checking out …

Because your future clients will love you for it.

P.S. Don’t forget to look at this course as a whole either. A lot of companies will also hire people to connect their Google Analytics for them, which is extremely easy to do, but some people would rather hire than learn…and that creates a good opportunity for you.

I really Hope this helps


Source Medium

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