AAU Admission into Science and Humanities (DSH) Undergraduate degree Programmes For 2021/2022

AAU Admission into Science and Humanities (DSH) Undergraduate degree Programmes For 2021/2022; Are you interested in pursuing a degree in Science and Humanities? Ambrose Alli University (AAU) invites applications from qualified candidates for admission into its diverse undergraduate degree programs for the 2021/2022 academic session.


In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the admission requirements and application process for each faculty.

AAU Admission into Science and Humanities (DSH) Undergraduate degree Programmes For 2021/2022

A. Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts offers exciting programs like B.A. English and B.A. Mass Communication. To be eligible for admission, candidates must possess SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) NABTEB with five credit passes in English Language, Literature in English, and any other three Arts or Social Science subjects. Aspiring Mass Communication students also require a credit pass in Mathematics.

B. Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education offers a wide range of programs, including Educational Foundation and Management, Guidance and Counseling, Business Education, and Curriculum and Instruction. To gain admission, candidates must have SSCE/NECO/TC II/NABTEB with at least five credit passes, including English Language.

For certain programs like Guidance and Counseling, a credit pass in Mathematics is also required. Direct Entry candidates should possess a minimum of a Merit pass in a relevant Diploma/NCE program from a recognized institution.

C. Faculty of Management Sciences

If you aspire to excel in fields like Accounting, Banking and Finance, Business Administration, or Public Administration, the Faculty of Management Sciences is the right choice for you. Candidates must have SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) NABTEB with five credit passes, including Mathematics, English, Economics, and any two Social Science subjects. Aspirants for Public Administration need an additional credit pass in Government.

D. Faculty of Physical Sciences

For those passionate about Computer Science, the Faculty of Physical Sciences is where you should focus your attention. To be eligible for admission, candidates must possess SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) NABTEB with five credit passes, including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and any two from Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics, Further Mathematics, or Agricultural Science.

E. Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers exciting programs such as Economics, Criminology, Political Science, and Social Works. Eligible candidates should possess SSCE/NECO/GCE (O/L) with five credit passes, including English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and any other Social Science subject.

Candidates aspiring to study Economics must have a credit pass in Economics, while those interested in Criminology need a credit pass in Government. Note that a pass in Mathematics could be accepted for Criminology and Political Science programs.

F. General Requirements/Information

  • Candidates must possess SSCE/WASC/ASC/NECO/GCE/TC II with five credit passes, including English Language and other Departmental and Faculty Requirements.
  • All candidates are required to write an entrance examination before being considered for admission.
  • Direct Entry candidates should have at least two (2) A/Level papers, NCE, or equivalent (at acceptable level) Diploma Certificate, along with five credit passes in SSCE/NCE/GCE (O/L), including English Language, Mathematics, and other Departmental Requirements.

G. Application Process

To apply for any of the Science and Humanities Degree Programmes, interested candidates can visit the AAU online portal at https://aaue.waeup.org/applicants/dsh2022.

The application forms will be available for purchase, completion, and submission from Monday 26th June, 2023 to Monday 31st July, 2023.


Embark on your journey to academic excellence at Ambrose Alli University by applying for the Science and Humanities Undergraduate Degree Programmes.

Follow the outlined admission requirements and take advantage of the application window to secure your spot for the 2021/2022 academic session. Invest in your future today!

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