Biology Past Questions v38 For JAMB/WAEC/NECO Students

Biology Past Questions v38 For JAMB/WAEC/NECO Students; These Biology past questions are for students who are sitting for the following examinations:


  • JAMB
  • Post-UTME / Post-JAMB
  • WAEC
  • NECO


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#1. Which of the following is NOT a method of conserving wild life?

#2. The insects in which the maxillae are modified into a long coiled proboscis is

#3. In which of the following species is the biomass of an individual the smallest?

#4. The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in mammals

#5. The part of the mammalian ear responsible for the maintenance of balance is the

#6. Which of the organisms represented are notable agricultural pests

#7. An example of a non-bio degrable pollutants is

#8. The bacteria that is found in the root nodules of leguminous plant is

#9. Which of these organisms partly digest its food extracellularly?

#10. Strong short and concical beak to pick and crush seeds is an adaptive feature of

#11. The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in mammals is

#12. The crossing of individuals of the same species with different genetic characters is

#13. The hereditary characters in plants and animals are located on the

#14. The arrangement of ovules attached to the sides of a syncarpous ovary with a single chamber is referred to as

#15. When sickle cell carrier marries a normal woman, the probability of them having a normal offspring is

#16. In which of the following groups of vertebrates is parental care is mostly is exhibited?

#17. In the nitrogen cycle, the nitrates in the soil are converted to atmospheric nitrogen by

#18. The relationship between a termite and the protozoam in its intestine is described as

#19. Exo-erythrocytic phase of the life cycle of malaria parasite occurs in the

#20. Which of the following organs regulates the levels of water. salts, hydrogen ions, and urea in the mammals?

#21. The rate of transpiration is NOT affected by

#22. The function of the red head in male Agama lizards is to

#23. The activity of ptyalin is likely to decrease with an increase in the concentration of

#24. Seed plants are divided into

#25. The adaptive importance of the nuptial flight from termite colonies is to

#26. The sequence of the one-way gaseous exchange mechanism in a fish is

#27. The theory of use and disuse of organs was promulgated by

#28. The theory of natural selection was postulated by

#29. The movement response of a cockroach away from a light source is

#30. Which of the following can cause shrinkage of living cells?

#31. The ability of chemelon to change its colour rapidly is an adaptation for

#32. Which of the following is NOT a method of conserving wild life?

#33. The importance of the mouth-brooding behaviour in Tilapia is that it

#34. The type of asexual reproduction that is common to both Paramecium and Protists is

#35. The micro-organisms that causes Typhoid disease is

#36. A collection of population of all living organisms that exist in a habitat is referred to as

#37. The largest amount of yolk is found in the egg of

#38. Fibrinogen and prothrombin play important roles in the

#39. The pathogen that cause smallpox is

#40. The vector for the malaria parasite is a

#41. Which of the following pairs are social insects?


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