Biology Past Questions v7 For JAMB/WAEC/NECO Students

Biology Past Questions v7 For JAMB/WAEC/NECO Students; These Biology past questions are for students who are sitting for the following examinations:


  • JAMB
  • Post-UTME / Post-JAMB
  • WAEC
  • NECO


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#1. In which of the following groups of animals are flagella and cilia found?

#2. Irish potato is a

#3. Bowman's capsule is located in the part labeled

#4. Re-absorption of useful materials takes place in the part labelled

#5. The origin of mineral particles in the soil is

#6. Atmospheric nitrogen is directly replenished in nature through

#7. The initial volume of water poured into 60g bag of dry soil was 50ml and the amount that drained through was 35ml. The percentage water content of the fully soaked soil is therefore

#8. The primary and secondary hosts respectively of bilharzia are

#9. Which of the following is NOT caused by bacteria?

#10. Tsetse fly is harmful to man because it is associated with the spread of

#11. Soil erosion CANNOT be controlled by

#12. Water retention is highest in soils which are rich in

#13. The mammalian endocrine system is responsible for

#14. An old man is likely to be long-sighted because age affects the

#15. In mammals, stimulus is transferred from the receptor muscles to the central nervous system through the

#16. A relationship between living organisms which is of mutual benefit is

#17. Which of the following food chains is in the correct sequence?

#18. Irish potato is a

#19. The characters by which an organism is recognized are termed its

#20. The hereditary material in a cell is known as

#21. A young plant showing yellow leaves is likely to be deficient in

#22. Germination which results in the cotyledons being brought above ground is called

#23. Movements and positions of the head in man are detected by the

#24. The appendicular skeleton is made up of the

#25. The maize grain is a fruit and not a seed because it

#26. If a flower is protandrous then it

#27. For pollen to be released in Crotalaria the insect must depress the

#28. If a child can receive blood from all donors , he belongs to the blood group

#29. Which of the following events does NOT occur during anaerobic respiration of glucose?

#30. Identify which of the following are characteristics of the vertebrate respiratory surface 1. Moist 2. Vascularized 3. Semipermeable 4. Freely permeable 5. Dry

#31. In mammals, the function of the sebaceous gland is to

#32. Which of the following organs regulates the amount of amino acids and glucose in the body?

#33. If calcium is deficient in food this may cause

#34. Partially digested food ready to leave the stomach is referred to as

#35. The function of lymph nodes is to

#36. The vein which returns blood from the head and arms to the heart is called

#37. Blood platelets are important because they are

#38. In an angiosperm leaf, the xylem is

#39. A group of similar cells performing the same function is

#40. Which of the following is common to a dicotyledonous stem and monocotyledonous root?

#41. Which of the following represents the sequence of protein hydrolysis? 1. polypeptides 2. Amino acides 3. Proteins 4. Peptones

#42. A food substance which produces red colouration with Sudan III contain

#43. Euglene is an autotrophic organism because it

#44. which of the following is NOT true of mucor? it

#45. Bryophtes are different from flower because they

#46. At what stage in the life history of a toad is its mode of breathing similar to that of fish?

#47. In lower plants like mosses, the structure which performs the functions of roots of higher plants is called

#48. In spirogyra, the pyrenoid

#49. In which of the following groups of animals are flagella and cilia found?

#50. Which of the following is seed bearing?


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