CRS Keypoints: Christian living in the community

CRS Keypoints: Christian living in the community; Christianity emphasizes not only an individual’s relationship with God but also their interactions with fellow believers, non-Christians, and family members. These relationships play a crucial role in fostering a strong, compassionate, and united Christian community.

CRS Keypoints: Christian living in the community

In this article, we will explore the dynamics of Christian living in the community, focusing on interpersonal relationships among Christians, how they live among non-Christians, their attitude towards persecution, and the significance of maintaining healthy relationships in the Christian family.

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This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

I. Interpersonal Relationships Among Christians

a) Humility and Unity: Christians are encouraged to practice humility and unity within their community. Romans 12:3-5 highlights the importance of recognizing individual gifts and talents, contributing to the body of Christ, and avoiding arrogance. Christians are called to function as one body, supporting and uplifting each other.

b) Love and Compassion: Love is at the core of Christian relationships. Romans 12:9-13 urges believers to show genuine love, empathy, and hospitality towards one another. 1 Peter 4:8 reiterates the significance of fervent love, as it covers a multitude of sins and strengthens the bond among Christians.

c) Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Christians are encouraged to forgive one another and pursue reconciliation in times of conflict. Romans 12:17-18 advises believers to repay evil with good and seek peace with all people. This spirit of forgiveness fosters harmony and strengthens the Christian community.

II. Christian Living Among Non-Christians

a) Exemplary Conduct: 1 Peter 2:11-12 urges Christians to live honorable lives among non-believers, abstaining from sinful desires and displaying upright behavior. By doing so, Christians can be a positive influence on others and draw them closer to God.

b) Compassionate Witnessing: Christian living among non-Christians involves showing compassion and kindness. Romans 15:1-2 encourages believers to bear with the failings of the weak, reflecting the love of Christ and sharing the gospel through actions and words.

III. Christian Attitude to Persecution

a) Endurance and Faith: Persecution is not uncommon for Christians throughout history. 1 Peter 1:5-9 reminds believers of the importance of faith and endurance during trials, as it refines and strengthens their faith in God.

b) Responding with Love: In the face of persecution, Christians are called to respond with love and gentleness. 1 Peter 3:13-14 advises believers not to fear those who harm them for their faith but to sanctify Christ in their hearts and give a humble and respectful defense.

IV. Relationship in the Christian Family

a) Love and Respect: Ephesians 6:1-4 emphasizes the importance of love and respect within the Christian family. Children are encouraged to obey their parents, and parents are urged not to provoke their children but to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

b) Mutual Submission: Colossians 3:18-21 highlights the concept of mutual submission within the family. Wives are called to submit to their husbands, and husbands are called to love their wives, fostering a harmonious and loving family environment.

c) Unity and Support: 1 Peter 3:1-7 addresses the relationship between husbands and wives, encouraging understanding, honor, and unity. It emphasizes the significance of both partners supporting each other spiritually and emotionally.

V. The Importance of Maintaining Good Relationships

a) Strengthening the Christian Community: Healthy interpersonal relationships among Christians create a strong and united Christian community. By loving, supporting, and forgiving one another, Christians can demonstrate the transformative power of faith.

b) Being a Witness to Non-Christians: Christians living in harmony and compassion become powerful witnesses to non-believers. Through their actions and attitudes, they can draw others towards the faith and the love of Christ.

c) Preserving Family Bonds: In the Christian family, maintaining love, respect, and unity fosters an environment of growth and mutual support. It sets an example for children and strengthens the family’s foundation in faith.


Christian living in the community requires nurturing strong interpersonal relationships among believers, showing love and compassion towards non-Christians, responding to persecution with faith and love, and fostering a harmonious atmosphere within the Christian family.

By adhering to these principles, Christians can demonstrate the transformative power of faith, inspire others to seek God, and build a compassionate and united community. These healthy relationships play a vital role in the spiritual growth and well-being of individuals and the entire Christian community.

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