CRS Keypoints: Impartiality

CRS Keypoints: Impartiality; Impartiality is a foundational principle in Christianity, emphasizing the need to treat all individuals with fairness, respect, and unbiased love. This virtue is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as the epistles of James, the actions of Peter, and the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.

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This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

In this detailed article, we will explore the interpretation of impartiality, identify the causes of partiality, and examine the far-reaching consequences that arise from both impartiality and partiality. By understanding and practicing impartiality, believers can foster an inclusive, harmonious, and Christ-like community that values the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.

CRS Keypoints: Impartiality

I. Interpretation of Impartiality

Impartiality, as portrayed in James 2:1-13, Acts 10:34-35, and Matthew 7:1-5, is the practice of treating all people with fairness, love, and respect, regardless of their external attributes, social status, or background.

This virtue calls believers to refrain from showing favoritism or discrimination towards others and to embrace a mindset of unbiased and compassionate acceptance. Impartiality is an essential aspect of reflecting God’s character, as He shows no partiality and loves all humanity unconditionally.

II. Causes of Partiality

Partiality can arise from various causes, including:

a) Social Prejudices: Preconceived notions, stereotypes, and biases about certain groups or individuals can influence how we treat them, leading to partiality.

b) Social Status: The difference in economic status, social class, or positions of power can create an environment of favoritism, where those in higher positions receive special treatment.

c) Appearance: Judging individuals based on their physical appearance, clothing, or superficial qualities can lead to unfair treatment and biased judgments.

d) Cultural and Ethnic Biases: Cultural differences or ethnic backgrounds might result in favoring or discriminating against certain individuals or groups.

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This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

III. Consequences of Partiality

a) Injustice: Partiality leads to injustice as certain individuals or groups are unfairly treated or marginalized, denying them equal opportunities and rights.

b) Division and Strife: Partiality creates divisions within communities and fosters animosity between different groups, undermining harmony and cooperation.

c) Undermining Relationships: Impartiality damages trust and breaks down relationships, as individuals feel devalued or discriminated against.

d) Hypocrisy: Engaging in partiality contradicts the teachings of love and compassion, creating a hypocritical image of believers.

e) Displeasing to God: Acts 10:34-35 emphasizes that God shows no partiality, and engaging in partiality goes against His principles of love, mercy, and justice.

IV. Embracing Impartiality in Christian Practice

a) Following Jesus’ Example: Jesus showed impartial love and acceptance to all individuals, transcending social boundaries and cultural norms. His love serves as a model for believers to follow.

b) Practicing Love and Compassion: Embracing impartiality requires practicing love and compassion, valuing each person as a child of God, and treating them with dignity and respect.

c) Overcoming Prejudices: Christians must confront their own prejudices and biases, seeking to replace them with a Christ-like attitude of impartiality.

d) Treating Others as Equals: Impartiality calls believers to treat all individuals as equals, acknowledging their intrinsic worth as creations of God.

e) Promoting Unity and Harmony: Impartiality fosters unity and harmony within the Christian community, celebrating diversity and embracing one another in love.


Impartiality is a foundational virtue in Christianity, urging believers to treat all individuals with fairness, respect, and unbiased love. By practicing impartiality and overcoming the causes of partiality, Christians can cultivate a community that reflects the character of Christ.

Impartiality leads to justice, unity, and harmony, while partiality results in division, injustice, and hypocrisy. As followers of Christ, we are called to embrace impartiality, embracing every person as a cherished creation of God and reflecting His boundless love and acceptance to the world.

By living out the principle of impartiality, Christians become agents of positive change, promoting a compassionate and inclusive community that honors the dignity and worth of every individual.

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