CRS Keypoints: Justification by Faith

CRS Keypoints: Justification by Faith; As a teacher of Christian Religious Studies, it is essential to delve into the topic of justification by faith. This concept holds great significance in the Christian faith and is found in various passages of Scripture, such as Romans 3:21-24, 5:1-11, and 10:1-13.

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This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

CRS Keypoints: Justification by Faith

In this article, we will explore the meaning of justification by faith, examine the basic conditions for justification, and discuss the fruits that result from this important doctrine.

Interpreting the Phrase ‘Justification’ by Faith

The phrase ‘justification’ refers to the act of being declared righteous before God. It is a legal term used in the context of salvation. Justification is not something we can achieve through our own efforts or good deeds; instead, it is a gift from God that comes through faith.

When we place our trust in Jesus Christ and accept His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, we are justified before God. This means that God, in His infinite grace and mercy, forgives our sins and declares us righteous in His sight.

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This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

Identifying the Basic Conditions for Justification:

Though justification is a gift freely given by God, there are basic conditions that we must meet to receive this justification:

a) Faith in Jesus Christ: The primary condition for justification is placing our faith in Jesus Christ. We must believe that He is the Son of God, who came to earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again on the third day. It is through faith in Him that we receive justification.

b) Repentance: Alongside faith, repentance is essential for justification. Repentance involves acknowledging our sins, turning away from them, and seeking God’s forgiveness. It is a genuine change of heart and a commitment to live according to God’s will.

c) Surrender to Christ: Justification requires surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ. We must submit to His lordship, allowing Him to reign in our hearts and guide our actions. This surrender involves yielding control to God and aligning our will with His.

Determining the Fruits of Justification:

Justification by faith produces transformative fruits in the lives of believers. These fruits demonstrate the working of God’s grace and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Some of the fruits of justification include:

a) Peace with God: Through justification, we are reconciled to God and experience a deep sense of peace in our relationship with Him. The guilt and separation caused by sin are removed, and we find peace and assurance in His love and forgiveness.

b) Access to God’s Grace: Justification grants us access to God’s abundant grace. We receive His unmerited favor, empowering us to grow in our faith, overcome challenges, and live a life that pleases Him.

c) Hope: Justification fills us with hope. We have the assurance of eternal life and the confident expectation of being with God forever. This hope sustains us during trials and difficulties, reminding us of the greater glory that awaits us.

d) Transformation: Justification leads to transformation in our character and behavior. As we grow in our relationship with Christ, the Holy Spirit works within us to produce the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).


Justification by faith is a foundational doctrine in Christianity. It emphasizes that our salvation is not based on our own efforts but on our faith in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on the cross. Through justification, we are declared righteous before God, forgiven of our sins, and granted access to His abundant grace.

As teachers of Christian Religious Studies, it is crucial to impart a deep understanding of justification by faith to our students, highlighting its significance, the conditions for receiving it, and the transformative fruits it produces in the lives of believers.

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