CRS Keypoints: Resurrection / Appearances & Ascension of Jesus

CRS Keypoints: Resurrection / Appearances & Ascension of Jesus; The resurrection, appearances, and ascension of Jesus Christ are central events in Christian theology, symbolizing victory over death, the manifestation of divine power, and the fulfilment of God’s promises.

This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

In this article, we will trace the stories of the resurrection, appearances, and ascension, compare the personalities involved, and analyze the profound relevance of these events

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I. The Resurrection, Appearances, and Ascension of Jesus:

a) The Resurrection:

  1. The Empty Tomb:
    Following Jesus’ crucifixion and burial, on the third day, Mary Magdalene and other women went to Jesus’ tomb. To their astonishment, they found the tomb empty, with an angelic proclamation that Jesus had risen from the dead.
  2. Encounters with the Risen Jesus:
    Various accounts describe encounters with the resurrected Jesus. These include Mary Magdalene’s encounter at the tomb, encounters on the road to Emmaus, appearances to the disciples behind locked doors, and encounters with Thomas, who doubted Jesus’ resurrection.

b) The Ascension:

  1. The Great Commission:
    Before ascending to heaven, Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commission, instructing them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them.
  2. The Ascension:
    Jesus, in the presence of his disciples, ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives. As he ascended, a cloud concealed him from their sight, signifying his return to the heavenly realm.

II. Personalities Involved in the Stories:

  1. Mary Magdalene:
    Mary Magdalene played a significant role in the stories of the resurrection, being the first to witness the empty tomb and encounter the risen Jesus. Her devotion and love for Jesus are evident throughout the accounts.
  2. The Disciples:
    The disciples, including Peter, John, and the other apostles, had various encounters with the resurrected Jesus. Their reactions ranged from doubt and disbelief to awe and profound faith. These encounters transformed their lives and solidified their mission as witnesses of the resurrection.
  3. Thomas:
    Thomas, known as “Doubting Thomas,” initially doubted the resurrection until he had a personal encounter with the risen Jesus. His story emphasizes the importance of faith and the confirmation of Jesus’ resurrection.

III. Relevance of the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus:

  1. Defeat of Death and Salvation:
    The resurrection of Jesus is central to the Christian faith, signifying victory over sin and death. It assures believers of the hope of eternal life and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. Divine Power and Authority:
    The resurrection and ascension of Jesus demonstrate his divine power and authority. They affirm his identity as the Son of God and the fulfilment of prophecies, establishing him as the ultimate source of redemption and reconciliation with God.
  3. Assurance and Hope:
    The resurrection and ascension instil believers with hope, knowing that just as Jesus conquered death, they too will experience resurrection and eternal life. It offers comfort in times of grief, assurance in times of doubt, and hope in the face of adversity.
  4. Commission and Mission:
    The Great Commission, given before Jesus’ ascension, empowers believers to spread the message of the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. The resurrection and ascension provide the foundation and authority for this mission, as believers are entrusted with sharing the transformative power of the resurrected Christ.


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The resurrection, appearances, and ascension of Jesus Christ hold profound significance for believers worldwide. These events symbolize the triumph of life over death, the manifestation of divine power, and the fulfilment of God’s promises.

The personalities involved, such as Mary Magdalene, the disciples, and Thomas, provide diverse perspectives on faith, doubt, and transformation. The relevance of the resurrection and ascension lies in the defeat of death, the assurance of salvation, the affirmation of Jesus’ authority, and the commission to share the Gospel.

They offer hope, inspire mission, and assure believers of the eternal life that awaits them. The resurrection and ascension of Jesus continue to shape the Christian faith and provide a powerful message of hope, love, and divine redemption.

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