CRS Keypoints: Sexual Immorality

CRS Keypoints: Sexual Immorality; Sexual immorality is a topic of moral significance that has been addressed in various religious texts, including the Bible. It encompasses a range of illicit sexual behaviors that deviate from the principles of purity, fidelity, and respect for human sexuality.

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This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

In this comprehensive article, we will explore sexual immorality as outlined in biblical references such as 1 Corinthians 6:16-20, Proverbs 7:10-27, 23:27-28, Hebrews 13:4, Ephesians 5:3-10, Matthew 5:28-32, Deuteronomy 22:22, Leviticus 20:10, and Romans 1:24-32, as well as Leviticus 18:21-30, and 20:13.

CRS Keypoints: Sexual Immorality

We will delve into what constitutes sexual immorality, identify its causes, examine its effects and consequences, and propose ways to curb it.

I. What Constitutes Sexual Immorality

Sexual immorality encompasses various forbidden sexual behaviors, including:

a) Prostitution: Engaging in sexual activities for financial gain or other material benefits. (1 Corinthians 6:16-20)

b) Adultery: Engaging in sexual relations with someone other than one’s spouse, violating the sanctity of marriage. (Hebrews 13:4)

c) Fornication: Engaging in sexual intercourse outside the boundaries of marriage. (Ephesians 5:3-10)

d) Lustful Thoughts: Jesus emphasized the importance of controlling one’s thoughts and not lusting after another person in the heart. (Matthew 5:28-32)

e) Homosexuality: Engaging in same-sex sexual relationships. (Romans 1:24-32)

II. Causes of Sexual Immorality

a) Moral Decline: A weakening of moral values and principles in society can contribute to the acceptance and normalization of sexual immorality.

b) Media and Culture: The portrayal of casual sex and sexual content in media and popular culture can influence individuals’ attitudes toward sexual behavior.

c) Peer Pressure: Social pressure and the desire to fit in with peers may lead individuals to engage in sexual immorality.

d) Emotional Disconnection: Emotional dissatisfaction or unfulfilled needs in personal relationships might drive individuals to seek gratification through sexual misconduct.

III. Effects and Consequences of Sexual Immorality

a) Emotional Turmoil: Sexual immorality can lead to guilt, shame, and emotional distress, damaging an individual’s sense of self-worth.

b) Broken Relationships: Engaging in adultery or fornication can shatter trust within relationships and lead to their breakdown.

c) Physical Consequences: Sexual immorality may result in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies.

d) Spiritual Separation: Sexual immorality can create a sense of distance from one’s spiritual beliefs and values.

e) Societal Impact: Widespread sexual immorality can lead to the degradation of family structures and social fabric.

IV. Ways of Curbing Sexual Immorality

a) Education and Awareness: Providing comprehensive sex education that emphasizes the importance of abstinence and the consequences of sexual immorality can help deter such behavior.

b) Promoting Values and Ethics: Cultivating a culture that upholds moral values, respect for self and others, and the sanctity of marriage can deter sexual immorality.

c) Strengthening Family Units: Building strong family relationships with open communication and support can help individuals develop healthy attitudes towards sexuality.

d) Accountability and Support: Encouraging individuals to be accountable for their actions and seeking support from trusted individuals can help them overcome temptations.

e) Fostering Spiritual Growth: Emphasizing the importance of a strong spiritual foundation can help individuals make choices that align with their beliefs.

f) Community Engagement: Communities can play a role in addressing sexual immorality by providing counseling, support groups, and safe spaces for discussions.

g) Media Regulation: Implementing guidelines for media content that promotes responsible portrayal of sexuality can positively influence public attitudes.


Sexual immorality, as defined by biblical references, involves various illicit sexual behaviors that undermine moral values and principles. By identifying its causes and consequences, we can better understand the complexity of this issue and the need for comprehensive solutions.

Education, promoting ethical values, strengthening family units, and fostering spiritual growth are some of the ways that societies can combat sexual immorality.

By working collectively to address this issue, we can promote healthier attitudes towards sexuality and build a society that respects the sanctity of human relationships and honors moral values.

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