CRS Keypoints: The Transfiguration

CRS Keypoints: The Transfiguration; The Transfiguration, documented in the biblical accounts of Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, and Luke 9:28-36, is a profound event that holds immense significance in the life of Jesus and His disciples.

This CRS note aims to explore the events leading up to the Transfiguration, the impact it had on the disciples, and the key personalities involved in this transformative experience.

CRS Keypoints: The Transfiguration

This class note is for people sitting for the following examinations: JAMB, WAEC, NECO, GCE, IJMB

II. Events Leading to the Transfiguration

a. Contextual Background:

  • Jesus had been ministering to the crowds, performing miracles, and teaching His disciples.
  • He foretold His impending suffering, death, and resurrection.
  • Peter confessed Jesus as the Christ (Messiah), but Jesus emphasized the necessity of His suffering.

b. Jesus’ Discourse on the Kingdom:

  • Jesus shared teachings about the nature and demands of the Kingdom of God.
  • He instructed His disciples on self-denial, taking up the cross, and following Him.
  • Jesus mentioned that some disciples would witness the Kingdom’s power before their deaths.

c. Jesus’ Transfiguration:

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  • Jesus took Peter, James, and John (His inner circle) up a high mountain.
  • His appearance was gloriously transformed: His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became dazzling white.
  • Moses and Elijah appeared, engaging in conversation with Jesus.
  • Peter suggested building shelters for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, not fully understanding the significance of the event.
  • A voice from heaven proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”
  • Jesus instructed the disciples to keep the experience a secret until after His resurrection.

III. Significance of the Transfiguration to the Disciples

a. Confirmation of Jesus’ Identity:

  • The Transfiguration revealed Jesus’ divine glory and confirmed Him as the Son of God.
  • The appearance of Moses and Elijah symbolized the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets in Jesus.
  • The disciples witnessed firsthand the manifestation of Jesus’ true nature as the Messiah.

b. Strengthening of Faith:

  • The Transfiguration fortified the disciples’ faith in Jesus, preparing them for the challenges ahead.
  • It served as a powerful confirmation of Jesus’ teachings about His suffering and resurrection.
  • The voice from heaven emphasized the importance of listening to Jesus, solidifying their commitment to His authority.

c. Foreshadowing the Resurrection:

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  • The Transfiguration offered a glimpse of Jesus’ glorified state, anticipating His resurrection and victory over death.
  • It provided hope and reassurance to the disciples during the imminent trials and crucifixion of Jesus.

IV. Personalities Involved in the Transfiguration Account

a. Jesus Christ:

  • The central figure, whose appearance was divinely transformed, revealed His glory and divine nature.
  • Jesus’ role in the Transfiguration emphasized His unique position as the Son of God and the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets.

b. Peter, James, and John:

  • The three disciples were chosen by Jesus to accompany Him to the mountain.
  • They were privileged witnesses to the Transfiguration, allowing them to grow in faith and understanding.

c. Moses and Elijah:

  • Represented the Law and the Prophets, respectively, appearing alongside Jesus during the Transfiguration.
  • Their presence symbolized the fulfilment of Scripture and the continuity between the Old Testament and the ministry of Jesus.

V. Conclusion

The Transfiguration stands as a pivotal event in the life of Jesus and His disciples. Through

the dazzling transformation of Jesus, the appearance of Moses and Elijah, and the divine voice from heaven, the Transfiguration confirmed Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and bolstered the disciples’ faith. This extraordinary experience foreshadowed Jesus’ resurrection, providing hope and strengthening their resolve to follow Him.

The Transfiguration involved key personalities such as Jesus Himself, the disciples Peter, James, and John, and the revered figures of Moses and Elijah. Together, these elements highlight the profound significance of the Transfiguration in the narrative of Jesus’ ministry and its transformative impact on His closest followers.

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