FCET Umunze Post UTME Form 2024/2025 (NCE); Applications are now open for the 2024/2025 NCE (National Certificate in Education) Programme at Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State. This is an excellent opportunity to pursue a career in education and related fields at a recognized federal college.
Eligibility Requirements

To apply, candidates must meet the following criteria:
- UTME Score: A score of 100 or above.
- JAMB Selection: The college must be selected as the first choice in JAMB.
Candidates who did not choose FCE (T) Umunze as their first choice must update their JAMB application accordingly.
Benefits of Studying at FCE (T) Umunze
- Stable academic calendar with no strike disruptions.
- Affordable fees as a federal institution.
- Accommodation available with power and water supply.
- Good learning facilities, rated among the best in the 2019 SERVICOM Evaluation.
- Shuttle buses for easy movement around campus.
- Access to NELFUND education loans for students.
- Strict security measures and no record of cult activities for over 20 years.
- Off-campus lodges are available for students who prefer to stay outside the campus.
Available Schools and Programmes
- School of Adult, Non-Formal, and Special Education
- Adult and Non-Formal Education
- School of Agriculture and Home Economics Education
- Agricultural Science Education
- Home Economics Education
- School of Business Education
- Accounting Education
- Marketing and Distributive Education
- Office Management Education
- School of Early Childhood Care & Primary Education
- Early Childhood Care Education
- Primary Education Studies
- School of Education and General Studies
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Foundations
- Psychology
- General Studies
- School of Fine and Applied Arts
- Fine and Applied Arts
- School of Industrial Technical Education
- Automobile Technology Education
- Building Technology Education
- Electrical/Electronics Technology Education
- Metal Work Technology Education
- Wood Work Technology Education
- School of Science Education
- Computer/Biology Education
- Computer/Chemistry Education
- Computer/Mathematics Education
- Computer/Physics Education
- Integrated Science/Computer Science Education
- Computer/Economics Education
- Physical and Health Education
- Mathematics/Biology Education
- Mathematics/Chemistry Education
- Mathematics/Economics Education
- Mathematics/Geography Education
- Mathematics/Physics Education
- School of Languages
- Igbo/English Education
- Igbo/Social Studies Education
- Igbo/Theatre Arts Education
- English Language Education
- English/Igbo Education
- English/Social Studies Education
- English/Political Science Education
- English/Economics Education
- French Education
- English/French Education
- French/Cultural and Creative Arts Education
- French/Economics Education
- French/Geography Education
- French/Social Studies Education
- School of Arts and Social Sciences
- Economics Education
- Economics/English Education
- Economics/French Education
- Economics/Mathematics Education
- Economics/Computer Science Education
- Social Studies Education
- Social Studies/Igbo Education
- Social Studies/English Education
- Social Studies/French Education
- Social Studies/CRS Education
- Social Studies/Political Science Education
- Cultural and Creative Arts Education
- Cultural and Creative Arts/English Education
- Cultural and Creative Arts/Theatre Arts Education
- Cultural and Creative Arts/Social Studies Education
- Cultural and Creative Arts/French Education
- Theatre Arts Education
- Theatre Arts/English Education
- Theatre Arts/Igbo Education
- Theatre Arts/Social Studies Education
- Theatre Arts/Music Education
- Theatre Arts/CRS Education
- School of Geography Education
- Geography Education
- Geography/Mathematics Education
- Geography/English Education
- Geography/French Education
- Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Education
- CRS/Music Education
- CRS/English Education
- CRS/Geography Education
- CRS/Social Studies Education
- CRS/Economics Education
- CRS/Political Science Education
- CRS/History Education
- CRS/Igbo Education
Registration Process
- Application Fee: N2,000
How to Apply:
- Visit the NCE Application Form page on the college’s website to complete the application form.
Contact Information

For further inquiries, please call:
📞 09076891189 (NCE admissions)
📞 08036283037 (Change of Institution Guidance)
Apply Early
Don’t miss your chance to secure a spot for the 2024/2025 academic session. Apply before the deadline!