Following the appointment of a new Jamb registrar, Prof Is-haq Oloyede, the 63 year former VC of the university of ilorin. Under him, JAMB has achieved some commendable feats and is very certain to break more records thanks to the innovations from the new Profs administration.

Let’s begin with the following
Corruption – This year, JAMB remitted a whopping N7 BN to the FG, compared to the N50 million it was expected to remit due to the trend created by the previous admistration. This revelation sparked a lot of commendation and criticism but from here it’s a kudos, I just hope the money would be used to make the exam smoother. Also we can can point out that the sale of scratch cards which was used to rob the system was abolished and now the registration process, though difficult but safer, is appointed to a selected number of accredited centers. We can all remember the news of a mysterious snake swallowing millions of naira, which happened to be money from the sale of scratch cards, if we’re to do the math, if one Jamb zone had 36million naira in its safe, yet the entire body remitts 50million, what is really going on?! Well thanks to this new Jamb, embezzlement of funds has reduced to the nearest minimum. Though I still await patiently the probing of previous Jamb heads.

Malpractice – 2018 Jamb records one of the lowest amount of Jamb examination malpractice, but the good news just doesn’t stop there. Thanks to the security systems installed on various examination centers and strict policies, now you don’t get your result cancled because one person committed an offence, as it was before, one offence flags the entire center as red and puts innocent candidates to trouble. Also Jamb now has a strict policy that ensures examination centers are not involved in any form of malpractice, they go as far as revoking the license of any examination center if they are found guilty.
CBT experience – 2018 Jamb has its own downfalls but I’m glad they weren’t as much as before. The CBT experience wasnt so bad, and my ears were on the ground for automatic result upgrade or downgrade but I didn’t hear any. That’s a good thing. But as expected, computers can flip once in a while, I’m just glad it wasn’t as much as previous years.
CAPS – Central Admission Processing System. Is one awesome but not yet so strong innovation that came with the new prof. The Platform was created to make admission processing easier, but it seems institutions are finding a hard time figuring how to make it work for them. On it students can accept or reject admission. Left to me I’d love if admissions uploaded on it are done all at once, that would help students make better decisions, it would be unfortunate to apply for UNILAG and DELSU, then you get DELSU’s admission first, reject it. It with hope that UNILAG would give you admission, but alas, no admission, that’s next year! But all the same the CAPS brings transparency to schools admission processing, and Its certainly here to stay.
I hope you had a great read, please share this post with your friends. Cheers..