
Best Study Tips Ever?!

Here are some really useful, real and helpful tips that will help you study in the best way ever!

P.s:It is tested and trusted!

1. Phones away. Place it in somewhere like a safe or high-up cabinet, or have someone you trust (i.e., roommate, parent) hide it from you. Make sure it’s turned off, or at least on silent mode.


Have everything you need right next to you, from the very beginning. If you get up to grab something that you need, there’s a 99% chance you’ll get distracted by something else. Make sure all materials are right by you.

3. Pick  a suitable location. If you’re anything like me, it will be a quiet, but not eerily silent place, with TVs and radios off, muted colors, and no food in sight to serve as distractions. Some people study better in loud, bustling environments, and others in silent, bare rooms…. YAYYY options!!!

DO NOT,DO NOT RELY ON READING. Reading notes over and over is a waste of time. Do something. Make tests for yourself, make flashcards, explain the topics to yourself in a mirror (or someone else, but I’m antisocial), etc.

BONUS: Make a Student Village Account. By far the best studying site I’ve ever used. You get to see different questions that can help you study, interact with lots of people , ask and answer questions.. and that’s where the fun lies!

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