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    • #76016
      Cowries: 2,234

      In compliance or addition to the general meaning, what can we say the word “TRUTH” means to us personally? (Tip: it could come as a definition, source or scenario)

    • #76022
      Cowries: 5,305

      Scenario: The truth is a bitter pill, nobody wants it but knowing the pill is bitters makes you trusting of the world or the people around you.

      Imagine your mom tells you, that malaria medicine is sweet, then you take it and it dissolves on your tongue. You’ll be mixed with rage and disbelief.


      At the end, the truth just makes us believe the world more.

    • #76058
      Cowries: 5,656

      Truth is hard, truth hurts, truth destroys… Most people think they want the truth until it contrast their beliefs or illusion,
      Truth isn’t always what we want but then we can’t run from it cause it’s reality,we can’t escape reality.

      • #76110
        Cowries: 2,234

        So true…

    • #76150
      Cowries: 2,234

      Coming from the source…

      I think the idea of truth should only originated from God. He clearly tells us he is is the source of all truth, so, before we call anything “true” we should check if it is consistent with what God says or who he is. For example, we cannot just go about calling people ugly just because we feel they don’t look good. We would usually say “he or she should deal with it, that’s just how life is…blah blah” when God clearly says we are beautifully made. We would keep hurting ourselves if we don’t know the idea of what truth should mean and if we keep using the world’s standards to judge or call something “true”

      We pray for wisdom. 🤲🏻

      Do we agree with this?

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