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Student Village Academy Forums GENERAL DISCUSSIONS Social media contributes to higher suicide rate


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  • Author
    • #76075
      Cowries: 6,251

      ” social media contributes to higher suicide rate”

      Do you agree or disagree…give your reason

    • #76088
      Cowries: 6,160

      I Agree. I have been a victim of depression because I see what my mates are achieving on the social space and I suddenly feel like a failure. But thank God I could pull myself out and I try as much as possible not to spend so much time on social media.

      • #76133
        Cowries: 6,251

        Dats sad🥲… Well I’m glad you were able to pull urself together not everyone has the courage to do so… Keep staying strong dear😊❤️


      • #76139
        Cowries: 2,304

        Thank God you were able to come out of it

        It’s not easy my dear

        • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Onyinye.
    • #76141
      Cowries: 2,304

      I strongly agree
      Social media is a virtual space and so many people just know it is true but haven’t beat it into their consciousness that it is a fact. Most people are victims of depression and suicide because we don’t realise that the posts, updates, opinions and lifestyle of individual are fake most times.
      Some people could also be victims of cyber bullying. All this is wrong and could be a potential cause of suicide and depression but I would like us to know that it isn’t real. Infact, just to save yourself the trouble of figuring out everything you see on the media…just assume it is all fake. They’re all built on lies and that’s the best way to save ourselves because honestly, we need social media for almost everything. It is better to build up a defense wall around our mind first before combating the problem 😮‍💨

    • #76175
      Cowries: 6,251

      Exactly…may God make it easy for us all🌚

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