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Student Village Academy Forums SCHOOL LIFE HIGH SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY ASPIRANTS What Is The Difference Between Screening And Post-UTME Examination

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    • #39214
      Esther Amadi
      Cowries: 985

      What Is The Difference Between Screening And Post-UTME Examination

      Recently someone messaged us on Student Village via WhatsApp asking if Kwara state polytechnic does screening or post utme, shortly after another student send a message inquiring the difference between Screening and Post UTME.

      I’ll use this thread to answer all questions asked.


      1. Does Kwarapoly conduct screening or post utme for their examination exercise? 

      The answer is, Screening, you don’t have to write any examination for Kwarapoly besides JAMB. Their admission exercise entails you submitting your documents and hoping it meets the requirements for the course you are applying into.


      2. What is Screening ? 

      A screening exercise in the sense of admissions is simply when schools invite students for an admission exercise that requires them to submit all necessary documents that will make them eligible for admission into the school. The school will set out what documents you should submit and the minimum JAMB score they must have before they can even get involved into the screening exercise. An example of a school that conducts screening besides Kwarapoly will be KWASU.


      3. What is Post – UTME? 

      Like the name entails, Post-UTME, that means an exam that comes after JAMB (UTME).

      This method, students are invited for an admission process by the school they picked in JAMB where by they will have to sit for an exam set by the school, some of these exams are set in JAMB CBT format with the addition of an extra subject called “current affairs”

      Students who are applying into schools that require post utme, are advised to read just like they read for JAMB.


      4. What is the difference between Screening and Post-UTME?

      Screening, you are not sitting for any exams, you’d  just be submitting documents that meets the criteria needed by the school, while for Post-UTME, you’ll sit for an exam, as well as be required to submit necessary documents that enables your admission process.


      Thanks for reading What Is The Difference Between Screening And Post-UTME Examination.


      Do you have any questions?, Please ask in the comment box below.



    • #56557
      Cowries: 6,360

      Amazing post Amaka, thank you. Also, we have created an updated version of this post here ”Differences between Post-UTME & Screening

      • #56575
        Esther Amadi
        Cowries: 985

        Thank you. I’ll be sure to check it out. Also Interested students who come across this post should do so as well

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