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How To Bring An Idea To Life

Ideas are everything, the biggest start ups the world has ever seen came from tiny thoughts but were chased till they came to reality. Most times we are overwhelmed with so many  ideas it’s hard to pursue any of them. Here are ways to go about that.

  • Set Mini deadlines – It’s still an idea and not a project, don’t set goals that would discourage a 3 year old company from surviving. Give your idea baby steps to make, realistic goals that when you achieve it would drive you to keep moving ahead.
  • Work Smart – there’s an unseen 80/20 rule that says, you put in 20% work for 80% result, this way you are aiming for efficiency and effectiveness other than long working hours.
  • Trust your guts – Not every time, but well, most of the time that little voice in your head might just be right. Don’t take drastic decisions because the present business trend says so.
  • Make sure you finish – it’s easier to make a baby than you take care of one. Many people have the habit of starting businesses and projects but only few eventually follow it to the finish line. Don’t wear your confidence out, develop the habit of finishing.
  • Know when to quit – just because you have an idea, doesn’t mean it’s the breakthrough idea, if you realize pursuing this idea might be futile, please call it quits, save your time to focus on more fulfilling options


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