How To Spot A Fake IJMB Centre

How To Spot A Fake IJMB Centre; The Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) is a national examination body that conducts qualifying exams for students who intend to gain admission into Nigerian universities. IJMB centers are scattered across the country, and while many are genuine, some are fake. In this article, we will discuss how to spot a fake IJMB center.

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How To Spot A Fake IJMB Centre

  1. Accreditation Status: One of the easiest ways to spot a fake IJMB center is by checking its accreditation status. The IJMB body provides a list of accredited centers on its website. A fake center will likely not be on this list, or they may claim to be accredited when they are not. Verify with the IJMB body if you are unsure.
  2. Quality of Facilities: The quality of facilities a center provides can tell you a lot about its legitimacy. An accredited IJMB center should have standard lecture halls, laboratories, and a well-stocked library. If a center does not have these basic facilities, it may be a red flag.
  3. Experienced and Qualified Tutors: Legitimate IJMB centers employ experienced and qualified tutors who are knowledgeable in their respective fields. If a center does not have these kinds of tutors, it may be an indication that they are fake.
  4. Verification of Past Results: A genuine IJMB center should have a track record of producing successful students in the past. Check if the center has a record of previous students who have successfully completed the program and gained admission into universities. If they do not have this kind of record, it could be a sign that they are not a legitimate center.
  5. Fees: While it is true that IJMB centers may charge varying fees, it is essential to compare the fees charged by different centers. If a center’s fees are considerably lower than other centers, it may be a warning sign. It could mean that the center is fake and is only interested in making quick money.
  6. Location: The location of an IJMB center can also be a factor to consider. If a center is located in a less prestigious area or in a rundown building, it may be a sign that they are not a genuine center.

In conclusion, there are many factors to consider when looking for a genuine IJMB center. The key is to do your research and verify the legitimacy of the center before enrolling. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can spot a fake IJMB center and avoid falling victim to their scams.

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