CRS Keypoints: Holiness and Divine call

CRS Keypoints: Holiness and Divine call; The passages in Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 2-3, and Jeremiah 1 offer insights into the divine calls and the concept of holiness as experienced by these prophets. Study Other CRS Keypoints Here Each prophet’s encounter

CRS Keypoints: Social justice / True religion & Divine love

CRS Keypoints: Social justice / True religion & Divine love; The intertwined concepts of social justice, true religion, and divine love are recurring themes found in the biblical texts of the Old Testament. The books of Amos and Hosea provide

CRS Keypoints: God’s message to Nineveh

CRS Keypoints: God’s message to Nineveh; The biblical account of Jonah and his mission to deliver God’s message to Nineveh is a fascinating story filled with valuable insights and lessons. Study Other CRS Keypoints Here Through the experiences of Jonah,

CRS Keypoints: Faith/ Courage & Protection

CRS Keypoints: Faith/ Courage & Protection; The stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego provide powerful examples of unwavering faith, courage, and divine protection. This class note will explore these narratives, analyzing the experiences of these four men, the occasions

CRS Keypoints: Concern for Judah

CRS Keypoints: Concern for Judah; The fall of Jerusalem, the condition of Judah during the exile, and the response to rebuilding Jerusalem are pivotal events in the history of Judah. This class note will delve into these topics, examining the

CRS Keypoints: Religious reforms in Judah

CRS Keypoints: Religious reforms in Judah; In the historical context of Judah, religious reforms played a significant role in shaping the spiritual and moral landscape of the kingdom. Two notable events, the Cleansing of the Temple and the Renewal of

CRS Keypoints: The Supremacy of God

CRS Keypoints: The Supremacy of God; Welcome to today’s class on the topic of “The Supremacy of God.” We will be exploring a significant event from the Bible that highlights the power and sovereignty of God over other deities. Specifically,

CRS Keypoints: Greed and its effects

CRS Keypoints: Greed and its effects; Greed can be defined as an intense desire for excessive wealth, possessions, or power. It is a human characteristic that, when unchecked, can lead to detrimental consequences for both individuals and society as a

CRS Keypoints: Decision Making

CRS Keypoints: Decision Making; The biblical meaning of the topic “Decision-Making” emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s wisdom, and guidance, and obeying His commands in making choices. The examples mentioned in the class notes illustrate both wise and unwise decisions

CRS Keypoints: A man after God’s own heart

CRS Keypoints: A man after God’s own heart; David, the son of Jesse, was one of the greatest kings of Israel and a man after God’s own heart. His life was full of ups and downs, but he remained faithful

CRS Keypoints: Obedience And Disobedience

CRS Keypoints: Obedience And Disobedience; For Bible students, obedience refers to the act of following God’s commands and laws. It is the willingness to submit to God’s authority and to do what is right in accordance with His will. Obedience

CRS Keypoints: Parental Responsibility

Parental Responsibility is one of the most important responsibilities that God has given to human beings. It is a task that requires dedication, hard work, and love. In the Bible, there are many examples of parents who either succeeded or