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Poland Summer Courses Scholarships at Polish Universities 2024

Poland Summer Courses Scholarships at Polish Universities 2024; Scholarships for Poland Summer Courses at Polish Universities in 2024 offer an exciting opportunity for students and academic teachers to immerse themselves in Polish language, culture, and history.

Sponsored by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in Poland, these scholarships cover tuition costs, providing participants with a unique chance to enhance their academic standing and explore Polish culture without financial burden.

Why Study in Poland?

Poland stands as a beacon of democracy, freedom, and tolerance in Europe, offering a dynamic blend of historical tradition and modern development. The summer courses facilitated by NAWA not only provide academic enrichment but also foster cultural exchange, allowing participants to engage with peers from around the globe and discover Poland’s top tourist destinations and rich cultural heritage.

Advantages of Poland Summer Courses Scholarships

Scholarships cover meals, lodging, and course costs for stationary courses. Participants are responsible for transportation, health insurance, and other personal expenses. Active participation in course activities, regular attendance, and collaboration with course organizers are expected for a fulfilling experience.

Who Can Apply for the Poland Summer Courses Scholarships?

The program welcomes:

  • Foreign students and academic teachers with at least B1 proficiency in Polish or English, who do not consider Polish their first language and do not study, work, or reside in Poland.
  • Foreign teachers conducting Polish as a foreign language courses.

List of Summer Courses in Poland with Key Dates:

Explore the diverse curriculum of NAWA’s 2024 summer courses, catering to various schedules and academic interests:

Experience Poland with NAWA: Embark on an immersive educational journey through Poland this summer. Expand your scholarly horizons, forge connections with fellow enthusiasts, and create lasting memories. Visit the corresponding university websites or contact to connect with Adam Brańko, the initiative’s coordinator, for further information.

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