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What is a Failing Score in IJMB: Understanding the IJMB Grading System

The IJMB (Interim Joint Matriculation Board) program is a high-level program that offers pupils a method to get into Nigerian postsecondary institutions at the 200 level without taking the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

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Students must pass the program with a specific score in order to be considered for admission to their top school. We’ll examine what constitutes a failing score in IJMB in this blog article, as well as the implications for students who don’t meet the prerequisite.

It’s crucial to first comprehend the IJMB grading scheme. A 16-point scale is used in the program, with 1 being the lowest score and 16 the highest. Students must receive at least a 2 on each of their topics in order to be admitted to the institution because the IJMB has a minimum passing score of 6. Students should examine the admission requirements of their selected university before applying as the particular minimum score needed for admission may differ between universities.

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What happens if a student fails IJMB?

A student may have a few choices if they fail the IJMB. They might need to repeat the program or retake the exam in that topic if they received a grade between 1 and 5 in any of their subjects. They won’t be given consideration for admission to the institution if they received a score below 1.

Depending on their IJMB center’s policies, students may in some situations be eligible to reapply for the program the following year.

Another option for students who fail IJMB is to consider other admission pathways into university, such as Direct Entry or JUPEB. These programs may provide a second chance for students to gain admission into their desired universities but may require additional coursework or exams.

A failing score in the IJMB is defined as anything with a score of less than 6 in any topic. Students who don’t pass the IJMB may have to retake it or look into other admissions options. However, they should also seek advice on the appropriate course of action from their IJMB center or educational counselor.

While failing the IJMB can be discouraging, it’s crucial for students to maintain their motivation and focus as they seek to achieve their objective of being admitted to the institution.

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