12 Time Management Strategies For Students In 2022

12 Time Management Strategies For Students In 2022
12 Time Management Strategies For Students In 2022

12 Time Management Strategies For Students In 2022; Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. ( Wikipedia) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_management

1. Make a to-do list every morning, neatly list your tasks in a notebook, and check them up every time you complete each task for the day. Gives you a sense of accomplishment as a Student.

2. Prioritize your tasks based on their importance while you list them on your to-do list, and tackle them based on how important or urgent completing them is for you.

3. Learn to break down large projects into smaller tasks, this eliminates the chances of being overwhelmed and makes them more manageable.

4. Identify your distractions, especially the key ones that affect you as a student, take your time to come up with solutions to minimise these distractions or their effects.

5. Emails: It can be boring to check an endless list of emails, especially spam & rejections. Pick a specific time of day, or day in the week when you check your emails. Best you insert it as a task in your daily to-do list.

6. Batch your time, group similar tasks together & clear them all out one by one.

7. Multitasking can be a bane for Students in school, avoid multitasking, wait and complete the task you are working on before moving on to the next item on your list.

8. Working round the clock is good, but it isn’t a healthy approach for a productive student, make sure you insert breaks in your tasks & make sure you take them seriously.

9. Say No to social calls, know which social calls to attend and the ones to turn down, that way you can use your time more productively and scale as a better student.

10. Always review your day, revise your to-do list and plan for the following day, check in on your daily or monthly goals and allow room for some self-reflection daily.

11. Plan ahead, as a student, to be successful, especially as a student, you should make a conscious effort to take a step back and look at what’s coming ahead in the next few weeks or months to come. You’ll be glad when it becomes a habit.

12. Take time to recharge, remember you are human, while being a student can always feel like you have superpowers, you don’t. You are human, and humans need to rest and sleep.

I hope you enjoyed reading this productivity hack, let me know in the comment sections if there are other ways students can be productive.

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