How Students Manage Stress In School

How Students Manage Stress In School; Many of the students who enter our office at Student Village are clearly stressed out. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the numerous exams they are preparing to take, including JAMB, WAEC, NECO, and others.


The majority of students experience high levels of stress, which can have a negative impact on their health, happiness, relationships, and academic performance. According to an American Psychological Association (APA) study, for instance, teens report experiencing stress levels similar to those of adults. 1

That means teens feel their stress levels generally exceed their capacity for effective coping, and they experience significant levels of chronic stress. About 30% of people say they experience stress, depression, or sadness as a result of it.

Stress in Students: Common Sources

Another study discovered that school and extracurricular activities account for a large portion of high school students’ stress and that this persistent stress can continue into college years and result in academic disengagement and mental health issues.

Top Student Stressors

Common sources of student stress include:

  • School
  • JAMB
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Social challenges
  • Transitions (e.g., graduating, moving out, living independently)
  • Relationships
  • Pressure to succeed
  • Work

Get Enough Sleep

Due to their busy schedules, students are infamous for skipping sleep. Unfortunately, being sleep deprived gives you a clear advantage over others. You work less efficiently, might learn more slowly, and might even be risky to drive around in.

According to research, lack of sleep and daytime sleepiness are also associated with poor mood, an increased risk of automobile accidents, lower grade point averages, poorer learning, and an increased risk of academic failure.


Keep your sleep schedule in mind. Aim for at least 8 hours each night, and when necessary, take power naps.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise on a regular basis is one of the healthiest ways to release tension. Students who engage in regular physical activity report feeling less stressed, according to research. 7 While the same social, academic, and life pressures still affect these students as they do their less active peers, they find it less stressful and more manageable to deal with them.

Even though it may be difficult to find the time to exercise, there are methods you can employ to increase your daily physical activity.

By reducing the negative effects of student stress, exercise can be beneficial. You can live longer and have a more fulfilling life by starting an exercise routine now and maintaining it throughout your lifetime.

Take Calming Breaths

You frequently don’t think as clearly as you could when your body is undergoing a stress response. Additionally, you’re probably not breathing properly. You might be inhaling air quickly and shallowly. Inefficient breathing disrupts the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body.

According to studies, this imbalance may be a factor in a number of physical symptoms, such as anxiety, fatigue, stress, emotional issues, and panic attacks.

Breathing exercises are a quick way to de-stress. These can be used almost anywhere to reduce stress in a matter of minutes.

Because they are fast-acting, breathing exercises are a great way to cope with moments of acute stress, such as right before an exam or presentation. But they can also help manage longer-lasting stress such as dealing with relationships, JAMB, work, or financial problems.

Listen to Music

Music is a practical stress reliever that has numerous cognitive advantages. Depending on your current needs, it can help you relax or stimulate your mind.

According to research, listening to upbeat music can enhance memory and processing speed.

10 Students who are stressed may discover that listening to calming music can help them unwind. According to one study, students who listened to soothing music were better able to bounce back from stressful situations.

Students can benefit from music by listening to classical music while they study, upbeat music to “wake up” their minds, or their favorite slow melodies to unwind.

Eat a Healthy Diet

You may not be aware of it, but your diet has the power to either increase or decrease your mental energy. You might become more sensitive to stress in your life as a result of it. 13 As a result, you might find yourself relying on high-fat, high-sugar snacks to alleviate your symptoms momentarily.

A balanced diet can reduce stress in a number of ways. By altering your diet, you can avoid mood swings, dizziness, and other diet-related side effects.

Unfortunately, students frequently have bad eating habits. Stress-related difficulties can make it more difficult to maintain a regular healthy diet, but other issues, like money, access to cooking facilities, and time to prepare healthy meals, can make it harder for students.

Some tactics that can help students make healthy choices include:

  • Eating regularly
  • Carrying a water bottle to class
  • Keeping healthy snacks such as fruits and nuts handy
  • Limiting caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol intake


It’s critical to keep in mind that everyone experiences stress differently. It might require some trial and error to determine what works for you. Making sure you are taking care of your physical and emotional needs as well as experimenting with various stress-relieving techniques to determine which ones work best for you to feel less stressed is a good place to start. How Students Manage Stress In School

It’s critical to seek help if stress and anxiety are distressing you or making it challenging for you to go about your daily activities. Numerous schools provide helpful resources, such as in-person and online mental health services. You could begin by discussing your stress management strategies with your student advisor or school counselor. You can also speak with your parents or another reliable adult, or your doctor.

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