KWASU Releases Important Notice To Prospective Corps Members

KWASU Releases Important Notice To Prospective Corps Members; This is to let all KWASU graduates who are interested in NYSC mobilization know that the process for the mobilization exercise for the 2023 BATCH A STREAM II is still in progress. As a result, all interested KWASU Prospective Corps Members (PCM) are urged to visit the university’s website to access and complete the KWASU NYSC Mobilization Form.

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Thereafter, they are to submit photocopies of the following documents to the Student Affairs Officer:
i. JAMB Print out
ii. JAMB Admission letter
iii. Certificate or Statement of Result with Matric number & Phone number.

It is intended that all interested KWASU PCMs will submit their applications by Friday, March 31, 2023, or earlier.
Please be aware that if any PCM misses this deadline, they will be put on the waiting list for the next round of mobilization.

All PCMs are to accord this notice the required attention.

Thank you.

Dr. Kikelomo W. Sallee

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