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Student Village Academy Forums JAMB JAMB Mock 2024 Questions Thread

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  • Creator
  • #66258
    Student Village
    1. The theory of use and disuse was proposed by?
    2. The part of the mammalian skin where pigment is found is
      A) Malpighian later
      B) Cornified layer
      D.. can’t remember the option
    3. what is snell theory?
    4. The removal of bilirubin from the body is carried out by the
    5. the theory of checks and balances was propounded by ?
    6. 1)Calculate the frequency of the sound wave generated in a pipe length 0.45m closed at one end, if the velocity of the sound air is 340m/s2) At an air temp 30°C, the saturated vapour pressure of water vapour is 24.4mmHg and at dew point at 60°C it is 10.5mmHg. Find the relative humidity of air.

      3) The cubic expansivity of mercury is 1.8 x 10-4K-1 and the linear expansivity of glass 8.0 x 10-6K-1, calculate the apparent expansivity of mercury in a glass container
      A. 1.00 x 10-4K-1
      B. 1.56 x 10-4K-1
      C. 1.72 x 10-4K-1
      D. 2.04 x 10-4K-1

      4) 4kg of water heated with heat at which draw 4.2A from a 200V main for 2mins. What is the increase in temp of water, given Heat capacity= 4200jk/g/k.

      5) Mathematically, Snell’s can be stated as?

      6) Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltmeter supply of 220V when current of 10A pass through for 150s

      7) What is the device that convert AC to DC

      8) A person standing 99m foot tall of a tall Clift drop his hands and hear an echo 0.33s later, cal the the speed of sound 6×6.6m/s air

      9) Centripetal and centrifugal area are equal at ?

      10) Mass of photon of wavelength 7×10^-7m which behaves like a particle is (h= 6.63×10^-34), e= 3.0×10^8
      If the threshold frequency of fungsten is 2.5×10^-18Hz, what is the work function. (6.6×10^-30)

      12) A load 96N is lifted by a machine which has a velocity ratio of 5. What is the force if it’s efficiency is 80%

      13) Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k. cal the expansion of 20m of rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C

      Jamb mock 2024

      1) Which of the following enzyme is found in gastric juice
      A. Lipase
      B. Ptyalin
      C. Trypsin
      D. Pepsin

      2) The endocrine gland referred to as the master gland is what

      3) In termite colony the cast that is responsible for the nest and provision of food are?

      4) A characteristics determined by a gene only on the x-chromosome is said to be ?

      5) The anti-body present in the plasm of a man with blood group B is?

      6) Dominant generation in bryophytes is

      7) Random change in DNA base composition is referred to ?

      8).The protoplasm is made up of ——- and ——-

      9) Causative organism for typhoid fever is?

      10) The removal of bilirubin from the body of man is carryout by?

      11) Evolution based on fossil record is called what

      12) Characteristics of anamophillous flower is the ____


      1) IUPAC nomenclature for CH3CH=CH(CH3)2
      2) : Which metal will liberate hydrogen from HNO3
      A. Zinc
      B. Copper
      C. Tin
      D. Aluminum

      3: Mass ratio between Hydrogen and Chlorine in a alkane is 3:16, cal it’s molecular formula

      4): Preparation of ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove ?

      5): Calculate the amount of hydrogen ion conc of a solution with PH3 at 25°c

      6): Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?

      7): Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and ?

      8): The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is ?

      9): A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is what?

      10).: In a flame test for the colour of sodium metal is?

      11): 5.25g of CaCl2 salt is required to form saturated solution with 180cm^3 of water at 298k, cal it’s solubility at what temp.

      12): Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.

      13): The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is?

      14): Two isotopes X and Y 22 and 24 ocure in ratio 3:2 determine the relative atomic mass of Y

      15): Cal the pH in 0.001mol/dm^3 NaOH

      16): Two elements have 13, 8 respectively when they combine they form what
      A. C8H28
      B. C8H36

      17).: Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what?

      18) : Arrange according to their boiling point, butanol, ethanol, Hexane, pentanoic acid

      19): Methane react with chlorine at room temp to produce tetracholromethane in the presence of?

      20: Soapless detergent can be represented by (formula)?

      21) : Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what

    What’s the gas liberated when chlorine water is exposed to sunlight??

    ANS : Oxygen

    The part of the mammalian skin where pigment is found is
    A) Malpighian layer✅
    B)Cornified layer
    D.. can’t remember the option

    Words to note:


    Audacious –


    Less questions came out on Oral English and emphatic stress

    More came out from Lexis and structure, and Concord.

    BIOLOGY:the part of the Mammalia skin where pigment is found is?

    A) Malpighian later
    B) Cornified layer

    ENGLISH:based on sweet sixteen
    the reason aliyah got an A in chemistry is because
    a) chemistry is her favorite subject
    b)she was scolded by her dad
    c)she was determined to pass

    PHYSICS:the efficiency of a machine is 40 percent and the load is 160 with a velocity ratio of 5 find the effort.

    what is correct stress pattern of “commensialism”
    what gas will liberate cuso4

    A diagram was given and we were asked to identify a part
    a) viscosity
    b) pressure
    c) weight

    What part of a monocot plant can the cambium be found

    The ecological location in which an organism lives and survivew in called


    The evidence of evolution that’s based on fossil record is?
    A ) paleontology
    B) Histology
    C) Embryology

    If a man of group O receive blood from group A what will happen
    Answer…. Agglutination

Viewing 6 reply threads
  • Author
    • #66275
      Student Village

      1. How old was Abraham when God called him
      A. seventy five years
      B.eighty years
      C.seventy years
      D.ninety years


      1) The absolute-zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which:
      a) thermal motion ceases
      b) temperature of gas is 273°C
      c) ice melts
      d) pressure of real gas is maximum

      2) The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is:
      b) wavelength
      c) half wavelength
      d) quarter wavelength

      3) Examples of luminous objects include:
      i. sun
      ii. star
      iii. moon
      iv.lighted bulb
      a)i, iii
      b) i, iv
      c) ii, iv
      d) i, ii, iv

      4)The equipment that works as a result of magnetic effect of electric current is:
      a) Rheostat
      b) Thermostat
      c) Electric bell
      d) Carbon microphone


      Choose the word that rhymes with the word below
      1) Quay
      a) Pretty
      b) Pride
      c) Pray
      d) Clay


      1) Calculate log₀.₅ 32.
      a) -5
      b) -4
      c) 5
      d) 4

      Chemistry questions that I can remember

      1): Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?

      2): Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and ?

      3): The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is ?

      4): A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is what?

      5).: In a flame test for the colour of sodium metal is?

      6): 5.25g of CaCl2 salt is required to form saturated solution with 180cm^3 of water at 298k, cal it’s solubility at what temp.

      7): Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.


      1.One of the programmes binding members of the Commonwealth is the (

      a)Food and aid programme

      (b)cultural programmes(

      c)agenda for peace

      (d)schorlarship scheme .

      2.Who is the the SecretaryGeneral of OPEC
      Find the nearest in meaning of the following sentence
      1.It is unatural for my daughter to be Audacious

      2.Identify the following that has the same stress pattern
      3.Identify the following that has the same sounds as the above:;
      d .
      How would u see Aliyha
      a.mommy’s pet
      b.dull girl
      c.preety girl

      5.Why did aliyah father take her to a place?
      a.To show her his office
      b.To have a conversation with her
      c.To spend time with her

      6.What is Aliyah’s relationaship with Bobo?


      1.The son of man does not have a place to lay his head.
      Who made the above statement ?
      a Jesus
      c.the jewish disciples


      – English

      The JAMB text novel they asked us questions from was Sweet sixteen and not the expected Life changer
      There were 5 comprehension questions and 10 questions on Lexis and structure,
      10 questions as well on Sweet sixteen
      And the remaining questions were on general English knowledge e.g Nearest in meaning, opposites, consonant and vowel sounds etc

      The questions were shuffled from the following topics:

      *Basic concepts in Government (about 5 questions)
      *Forms of government(about 3 questions)
      *political Ideologies(about 4 questions)
      *process of legislation(2 questions)
      And the remaining questions shuffled among the following:

      *Pressure groups
      *Public opinion
      *Pre-colonial politics
      *The civil service

      *10 questions on basic literary principles
      And 5 questions on selected literary texts
      It was disappointing because none of them was from my set.

      The questions were from the following topics

      *Faith and work
      *Christian living in the community
      *Parental responsibility

      Corporal punishment is meant to be a deterrent to indiscipline (nearest in meaning)
      a. remedy
      b. measure
      c. discouragement
      d. prevention


      1.what is legitimacy
      1.God directed noah to Nineveh to _
      2.At what age did God call Abram
      a.80 years
      3. God stopped Abram from sacrificing his son because of _
      1. Aliyah’s father call her “priceless gift” because


      Under Biology,
      1. Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower.
      a. numerous and light pollen grains.
      b. brightly coloured petals.
      c. presence of nectar.
      d. scented flower
      2. A quadrant can be used to do which of the following
      a. determine the total number of a specie in a population
      3. A diagram of the digestive system was given. Which of the following part labelled I to IV produces hormones and digestive enzymes. The answer is pancreas
      4. Which of the following is called a master gland.
      a. pituary gland
      b. adrenal gland
      5. The diagram of the female reproductive system was given. Where does FERTILIZATION take place in the female reproductive system. The parts where labeled but the answer is fallopian tube.
      6. Which characteristic is common to both gills and lungs
      a. they are highly vascularized.
      b. the are exposed to the atmosphere.
      c. they are moist.
      7. An evidence of fossil records in evolution is also known as
      a. paleontology
      b. embryology
      8. Fishes, prawns and crabs are collectively called.
      a. pisces
      b. crustaceans
      9. Bilirubin in the body can be removed by
      a. lungs
      b. kidney
      c. liver
      10. A color blind man ( X^n Y) married a woman carrying the trait ( X^N X^n). what percentage of their children will be colour blind.
      a. 25%
      b. 50
      d. 100%
      11. A Tullgren funnel is used to determine what.
      12. If a man with blood group O receives blood from a person which blood group A, which of the following will occur
      a. Agglutination
      b. no agglutination
      13. Absorption of mineral salts in plant roots occurs by
      a. Osmosis
      b. Diffusion
      c. active transport
      14.Which of the following blood groups will give blood group AB ONLY when crossed
      a. AB
      b. AA
      d. O
      15. The fins of a whale, the hands of a man, and winds of a bat can be related to
      a. homologous
      b. heterologous
      c. heterozygous
      d. homozygous
      16. The diagram of a Mushroom was given and labeled I to IV. Which of the following oroduces spores.
      17. Which of the following is the process of assimilating good the digestive system of man
      a. Ingestion —> Digestion —> Absorption —> Assimilation
      b. Digestion —> ingestion —> assimilation —> absorption
      c. assimilation — digestion—> ingestion —> absorption
      18. The movent of a Euglena towards light of low intensity is
      a. negative phototaxis
      b. positive phototaxis
      19. Roots hairs occur in
      a. piliferous layer
      b. pericycle
      c. cambium
      20. Montane vegetation can be found in what part of Nigeria
      a. Yenegoa
      b. Mambila
      c. Awka
      d. Ekiti
      21. Which biome can be found in Nigeria
      a. Tropical Rain forest
      b. coniferous forest
      22. The law of use and disuse was propounded by
      a. Lamarck
      b. Darwin
      c. Hugo
      23. The caste of termite is composed of
      a. soldier, drone, king and queen
      b soldier, drone, queen and reproductives

    • #66276
      Student Village

      In terms of the questions asked
      The questions asked was derived mostly from topics like,,,,,for English
      Consonant sounds
      Vowel sound
      Reading passage about rail transport
      Reading passage about an accident victim
      Opposite in meaning (mild)
      Nearest in meaning(adhere)
      What a statement is trying to convey ( my hair always stands when my son is driving)
      In terms of Biology
      Food chain
      Animal kingdom like pisces, anthropoda
      To dictate spore
      Respiratory organs of amphibians
      For chemistry
      Periodic table
      Calculation In moldm3
      Separation techniques
      Acids and bases
      For physics
      Distance wavelength



      Sweet Sixteen

      – The reason aliyah got an A in chemistry is because….

      – Mr Bello was not happy with the gift given to his daughter because….

      – Aliya’s relationship with Bobo can be referred to as…

      – Aliya’s father refers to her as priceless because….

      – Why did aliyah father take her to a place?
      a.To show her his office
      b.To have a conversation with her
      c.To spend time with her


      – What is correct stress pattern of “commensialism”?

      – Nearest in meaning
      – Corporal punishment is meant to be a (deterrent) to indiscipline
      a. remedy
      b. measure
      c. discouragement
      d. prevention

      It is unatural for my daughter to be (Audacious)




      – Calculate the expansion of a 20m rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C (Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k)

      – A device used in storing charge is…

      – What is the device that convert AC to DC?

      – The Instrument used in determining weight of an object is….

      – Centripetal and centrifugal force are equal at….

      – Lenz law is the law of conservation of

      – Mathematically, Snell’s can be stated as…

      – Image formed by a plane mirror is…

      – Calculate the frequency of a sound wave generated in a pipe of length 0.45m closed at one end. (velocity of the sound air is 340m/s)

      – The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is….

      – 4kg of water is heated with a heater which drew 4.2A from a 200V main for 2mins. What is the increase in temp of water? (Heat capacity= 4200jk/g/k.)

      – Presence of impurities in zinc used in simple cell causes

      – The absolute-zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which…

      – Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltage supply of 220V when a current of 10A pass through it for 150s




      – Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is…

      – An anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, what is X?

      – Methane react with chlorine at room temperature to produce tetracholromethane in the presence of…

      – Primary alkanol warmed with KMnO4 will produce

      – Arrange according to their boiling point: , ethanol, butanol, pentanoic acid, Hexane

      – Chlorine is prepared by upward displacement of air because

      – In the laboratory preparation of ethyne, the gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove….

      – Two elements have atomic numbers 13 and 8 respectively. When they combine they form….

      – Cal the pH in 0.001mol/dm^3 NaOH

      – Ions that causes hardness of water are removed in the industry by

      – Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and …..

      – Zinc is not regarded as a transition element because

      – Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.

      – Iron produced directly from blast furnace is…

      – HCl is regarded as strong acid because?

      – Two isotopes X and Y, 22 and 24 occur in ratio 3:2. Determine the relative atomic mass of Y




      – Who proposed the theory of use and disuse?

      – The evidence of evolution that’s based on fossil record is?

      – The removal of bilirubin from the body of man is carryout by…

      – The Random change in a DNA base composition is referred to as …

      – Excretory organ in fish and amphibian is…

      – What is the dominant phase in bryophytes?

      – In toad the number of chromosomes is 22. The haploid number is….

      – The characteristics determined by a gene only on the x-chromosome is said to be ?

      – Causative organism for typhoid fever is

      – In a termite colony, the caste responsible for the care of the nest and provision of food are….

      – Characteristics of anemophilous fever is…

      – Stamen of flower consist of…

      – If a man in blood group A receives blood transfusion from blood group O, what will occur?

      – The endocrine gland referred to as the master gland is…

      – In root of plant root hair arises from the

      – Enzyme contained in gastric juice is…

      – The part of the Mammalian skin where pigment is found is….

      – Periodic shedding of exoskeleton of an insect is called….

      – What part of a monocot plant can the cambium be found?

      – The ecological location in which an organism lives and survives is called…

      – Energy in living cell is produced by…



      1. Calculate the solubility of NaCl at 65⁰C when 225g of salt dissolves in 1dm³ of solution. [Na= 23, Cl=35.5]

      A. 3.85
      B. 2.39
      C. 2.93
      D. 3.58

      2. Primary alkanol warmed with KMnO4 will produce

      A. alkanoic acid then alkanal
      B. alkaline then alkanoic acid
      C. alkanal then alkanoic acid
      D. alkanoic acid then alkanone

      3. Magnesium has a smaller radius then Calcium because its atomic radius

      A. increases down the group
      B. decrease down the group
      C. increases across the period
      D. decreases across the period

      4. Iron can be extracted from

      A. cryolite
      B. dolomite
      C. magnetite
      D. cassiterite

      5. The organic compound that decolourizes acidified KMnO4 solution but does not react with Ammoniacal Silver Trioxonitrate(V) solution belongs to

      A. alkanes
      B. alkenes
      C. alkynes
      D. alkanols

      6. Conversion of C2H5OH to C2H4 in the presence of concentration H2SO4 at 180⁰C is by

      A. dehydration
      B. hydrolysis
      C. hydrogenation
      D. decarboxylation

      7. In the laboratory preparation of Ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuS04 to remove

      A. carbonate impurities
      B. phosphine impurities
      C. nitrate impurities
      D. bromine impurities

      8. Solubility of NaCl in H20 is higher than in dilute HCl due to

      A. Tyndall effect
      B. Stark effect
      C. Common ion effect
      D. Solubility effect

      9. If 10cm³ of Nitrogen gas is sparked with 50cm³ of Hydrogen gas at temperature of 25⁰C and pressure of 40 atm. Calculate the volume of Hydrogen in excess

      A. 10 cm³
      B. 40 cm³
      C. 20 cm³
      D. 60 cm³

      10. Zn + CuSO4 —-> ZnSO4 + Cu
      From the equation, Zinc acts as

      A. oxidising agent
      B. catalytic agent
      C. reducing agent
      D. precipitating agent

      11. A metal that will liberate H2 gas from dilute HN03 is

      A. Zinc
      B. Calcium
      C. Copper
      D. Magnesium

      12. Aluminium is preferred to Copper for making overhead electrical cables because Aluminium is

      A. lighter
      B. heavier
      C. cheaper
      D. expensive

      13. Methan reacts with Chlorine at room temperature to produce tetrachloromethane in presence of

      A. visible ligh5
      B. x-rays
      C. infrared light
      D. ultraviolet rays

      14. The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is

      A. 1
      B. 2
      C. 3
      D. 4

      15. H2 + I —-> 2HI
      in the reaction above, if enthalpy and entropy changes are -9500J and +28J respectively at 20⁰C. The reaction is

      A. spontaneous
      B. non-spontaneous
      C. reversible
      D. electrolytic

      16. Iron produced from blast furnace is

      A. cast iron
      B. wrought iron
      C. pig iron
      D. stainless iron

      17. 2SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3 ΔH= -35.5KJ/mol
      in the reaction, favourable condition for forward reaction is

      A. increase in temperature increase in pressure
      B. decrease in temperature decrease in pressure
      C. increases in temperature decrease in pressure
      D. decrease in temperature increase in pressure

      A soapless detergent can be represented by
      CH3(CH2)15 COOK
      CH3(CH2)16CH.. 2K

      find the PH of 0.001mold3 of Na
      Name the compound CH3CH=CH2CH3
      The process by which a straight alkanes converts catalystically into a branched alkene is
      What gas is released after exposing chloride water to sunlight

      Methane reacts with chlorine at room temp to form ?
      Flame test for sodium metal
      brick red
      deep blue
      golden yellow

      P is proportional to cube Q and inversely proportional to root of R when P is 32 Q is 2 R is 4
      what is P when Q is ……. sorry

      the diagonal ofa rectangle is 15cm and one of it’s sides is 12cm find its’ area

      cos theta find sin theta
      yes all of these had option i jsut can’t seem to remember

      calculate electrical energy with volt 220V currents of 10A in 150sec

      A person standing 99m foot tall of a tall cliff drop his hands and hear an echo 0.33s later, calculate speed of sound ( the speed of …6×6.6m/s air)

      A pipe legnth 0.45 m with velocity of 340ms-1 can’t really recall

      i think gas laws also came out in maybe physics or chemistry i think physics.

    • #66277
      Student Village

      1:Evolution based on fossil record is
      a) embryology
      b) physiology
      c) paleontology
      d) ?
      2)A community which remains unchanged is known as
      a)colonized community
      b)stable community
      3) climax community
      d) ?
      3) The human digestive system was shown and we wre asked to identify the part whixh helps in digestion of food and production of hormones and enzymes.
      4)Drawing of mushroom was shown and we were asked question on it(can’t remember)
      5) A complicated food chain was shown and we were asked the role of grasshopper and ? a) textiary consumer
      b) secondary consumer
      c) consumers

      6)The random change in DNA base composition is known as
      a) mutation

      7)the dominant in bryophytes is
      a) sporophyte
      b) gametophyte

      8) The antibody in blood group b is

      9)The local biome in Nigeria that doesn’t have enough tree is
      b)rain forest

      10)which artery carries deoxygenated blood
      a)renal artery
      b) pulmonary arteries

      11)The protoplasm consist of the_______
      a) cytoplasm and nucleus
      b) cytoplasm and vacuole

      12)the causative organism of typhoid is

      13)the production of energy in living things is
      a) respiration
      b) nutrition

      1) at the end of the story, Amina became
      a)a lady
      b)a young adult

      2)The reason why amina got A in chemistry is
      a) her father scolded her
      b) she did exam malpractice
      c) she was determined and read

      3)Amina’s dad did not like her birthday gift because_____

      4)Amina’s feelings towards ?was
      a) infatuated

      5) opposite in meaning of muddled

      6) interpretation of ‘because he got there on time, She didn’t drown

      7) based on the comprehension’ what did the auther think of the professional school masters_______



      1)Calculate the frequency of the sound wave generated in a pipe length 0.45m closed at one end, if the velocity of the sound air is 340m/s

      2) At an air temp 30°C, the saturated vapour pressure of water vapour is 24.4mmHg and at dew point at 60°C it is 10.5mmHg. Find the relative humidity of air.

      3) The cubic expansivity of mercury is 1.8 x 10-4K-1 and the linear expansivity of glass 8.0 x 10-6K-1, calculate the apparent expansivity of mercury in a glass container
      A. 1.00 x 10-4K-1
      B. 1.56 x 10-4K-1
      C. 1.72 x 10-4K-1
      D. 2.04 x 10-4K-1

      4) 4kg of water heated with heat at which draw 4.2A from a 200V main for 2mins. What is the increase in temp of water, given Heat capacity= 4200jk/g/k.

      5) Mathematically, Snell’s can be stated as?

      6) Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltmeter supply of 220V when current of 10A pass through for 150s

      7) What is the device that convert AC to DC

      8) A person standing 99m foot tall of a tall Clift drop his hands and hear an echo 0.33s later, cal the the speed of sound 6×6.6m/s air

      9) Centripetal and centrifugal area are equal at ?

      10) Mass of photon of wavelength 7×10^-7m which behaves like a particle is (h= 6.63×10^-34), e= 3.0×10^8
      If the threshold frequency of fungsten is 2.5×10^-18Hz, what is the work function. (6.6×10^-30)

      12) A load 96N is lifted by a machine which has a velocity ratio of 5. What is the force if it’s efficiency is 80%

      13) Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k. cal the expansion of 20m of rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C

      Jamb mock 2024

      1) Which of the following enzyme is found in gastric juice
      A. Lipase
      B. Ptyalin
      C. Trypsin
      D. Pepsin

      2) The endocrine gland referred to as the master gland is what

      3) In termite colony the cast that is responsible for the nest and provision of food are?

      4) A characteristics determined by a gene only on the x-chromosome is said to be ?

      5) The anti-body present in the plasm of a man with blood group B is?

      6) Dominant generation in bryophytes is

      7) Random change in DNA base composition is referred to ?

      8).The protoplasm is made up of ——- and ——-

      9) Causative organism for typhoid fever is?

      10) The removal of bilirubin from the body of man is carryout by?

      11) Evolution based on fossil record is called what

      12) Characteristics of anamophillous flower is the ____


      1) IUPAC nomenclature for CH3CH=CH(CH3)2
      2) : Which metal will liberate hydrogen from HNO3
      A. Zinc
      B. Copper
      C. Tin
      D. Aluminum

      3: Mass ratio between Hydrogen and Chlorine in a alkane is 3:16, cal it’s molecular formula

      4): Preparation of ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove ?

      5): Calculate the amount of hydrogen ion conc of a solution with PH3 at 25°c

      6): Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?

      7): Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and ?

      8): The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is ?

      9): A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is what?

      10).: In a flame test for the colour of sodium metal is?

      11): 5.25g of CaCl2 salt is required to form saturated solution with 180cm^3 of water at 298k, cal it’s solubility at what temp.

      12): Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.

      13): The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is?

      14): Two isotopes X and Y 22 and 24 ocure in ratio 3:2 determine the relative atomic mass of Y

      15): Cal the pH in 0.001mol/dm^3 NaOH

      16): Two elements have 13, 8 respectively when they combine they form what
      A. C8H28
      B. C8H36

      17).: Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what?

      18) : Arrange according to their boiling point, butanol, ethanol, Hexane, pentanoic acid

      19): Methane react with chlorine at room temp to produce tetracholromethane in the presence of?

      20: Soapless detergent can be represented by (formula)?

      21) : Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what


      •Convert 45°C to Fahrenheit
      •aneroid barometer is used in measuring?
      •the dimensional unit for power is?
      •the angle of declination at a place is what?
      answer:the angle between the earth’s geographic and magnetic meridians
      •find the r.m.s value of an alternating current whose peak value is 240V

      •which of these is an iron ore
      a. bauxite
      b. magnetite
      c. cassiterite
      d. malachite
      •which of these is an aluminum ore
      a. haematite
      b. magnetite
      c. bauxite
      d. bornite
      •what else can be used when performing fountain experiment apart from ammonia
      answer:hydrogen chloride
      •what is the maximum number of electrons in the 3rd shell of an aluminum atom
      a. 8
      b. 3
      c. 2
      d. 1
      •which of these metals are extracted electrically
      a. Zn
      b. Ca
      c. Al
      d. Mg
      • SO2 is collected by downward displacement because?
      answer: it is denser than air
      •arrange in increasing order of first ionization energy Li>B>N>F
      •an element with atomic number 15 belongs to what group and period
      answer:period 3, group V
      •the bonding in an oxonium ion consists of?
      a. ionic and covalent
      b. coordinate covalent
      c. dative and covalent
      d. ionic and dative
      •when ammonium chloride is mixed with aqueous sodium chloride the separation technique used is
      a. decantation
      b. sublimation
      c. filtration
      d. evaporation
      •when methyl orange is added to NaOH the solution turns
      a. orange
      b. pink
      c. yellow
      d. blue

      • the artist wore a __________ at the concert
      a. silk blue beautiful dress
      b. beautiful blue silk dress
      c. blue beautiful silk dress
      d. silk dress beautiful blue


      In Government.
      -The theory of checks and balance was propounded by who?
      -Who is the secetary general of OPEC
      -Legitimacy means
      -Sarkin fada has the work of
      -Major achievement of foreign policy under obasanjo


      -Village of caleb and joshua was
      -Abrahams age before he was called
      -After the firmament what else was created

      In English
      -they were question tags
      Vowel sounds


      biology mock
      1the random changes in the dna base composition is referred to as
      2. in blood grouping the only heterogeneous genotype is______
      3. the factors which affects distribution of organisms in a terrestrial habitat only is____
      4. A characteristics of an anemophilous flower is ______
      5. the material transpored from the cells to the kidney where they are removed is ______
      6. the community that remains unchanged in composition over a long period of time is known as_____
      7. the type of circulatory system common to both arthropods and molluscs is ____
      8. the excretory organ that is common to both fishes and amphibians is the ____
      9. the theory of use and disuse of body parts and the inheritance acquired trait was proposed by _____
      10. the forest type that could be found in Nigeria is the_____
      11. the periodic shedding of exoskeleton of an insect is referred to as ___
      12. the stamen consists of ____ and _____
      13. the protoplasm consists of _____ and _____
      14 the evidence of evolution that is based on fossil record is__
      15. which of the following is the correct sequence of nutrition
      16. tendrils of a climbing plant that twine arround a support is an example of ____
      17. in the diagram above identify the reproductive tissue for the production of spore
      18. southern guinea savanna is found is which of the following states in Nigeria
      19. which of the following is the causative oraganism for typhoid fever
      20.the dominant generation of bryophyte is the _____
      21. the enzyme contained in the gastric juice is __
      22. the energy in the living cell is produced in ____
      23. the part of the mammalian skin where pigment is produced is___
      24. a man whose blood group B(IbI⁰) married to a woman of blood group O (I⁰I⁰) what is the probability of producing children in blood group O
      25. in an ecosystem factors that may cause overcrowding
      26. the local biome in Nigeria with the lowest number of trees is___
      27. in a toad , the zygotic chromosomes are 22, the haploid chromosomes are___
      28. an example of an animal with distasteful and poisonous gland is ___
      29. an example of a bird with webbed feet is___
      30. a man whose blood group O receives a blood transfusion of blood group A what will occur___
      31. in the roots of a plant , the root hair arises from ___
      32.the discontinuous variation often used in crime detection is ____
      33. the respiratory structure of an arachnid is___
      34. which component of soil gives its characteristic colour
      35. the endocrine glands called the master gland is ____
      36. fishes , prawns and crabs which actively move and swim in water are called


      When a colour blind man marries a carrier woman, what is the probability of their offspring being colour blind
      Ans 50 percent.
      If a man of blood group O receives blood from blood group A, what happens
      Ans Agglutination will occur
      The evidence of evolution that is based on fossil records is
      Ans Paleontology
      The endocrine gland refered to as the master gland is
      Ans The Pituitary gland
      What type of circulation do arthropods and molluscs undergo?
      Ans Open circulation

      Which of the following is an ore of aluminum metal?
      Ans Bauxite

      Which of the following are luminous objects
      iv.lighted bulb
      Ans i,ii and iv only

      1)Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower ___
      2. The ecological location in which an organism can live and survive in is called___
      3. The evidence of evolution that’s based on fossil record is?
      4. If a man of group O receive blood from group A what will happen
      5. Which of the following is called a master gland_
      6. Bilirubin in the body can be removed by__
      7. The caste of termite is composed of___
      8. The movent of a Euglena towards light of low intensity is __
      9. Absorption of mineral salts in plant roots occurs by____
      10. The law of use and disuse was propounded by____

      Chemistry: 1) The Solubility of NaCl in H2O is higher than dilute HCl due to _____
      2. H2S+ Cl2 ~~~ 2HCl + S the oxidation number of Sulphur in the above equation changes from ___ to___
      3. An element with atomic number of 15 belongs to Group ___ and Period ___
      4. The mass ratio between hydrogen and carbon in an alkane is 3:16. What is the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon
      5. Calculate the pH in 0.01 mol/dm3 of NaOh
      6. Calculate the mass of Oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution
      7. What color does sodium metal produce in flame test.
      8. Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?
      9. A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is __
      10. 5.25g of CaCl2 salt is required to form saturated solution with 180cm^3 of water at 298k, cal it’s solubility at what temperature
      11. Primary alkanol warmed with KMnO4 will produce___
      12. In laboratory preparation of ethyne, the gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove___
      13. Two isotopes X and Y, 22 and 24 occur in a ratio 3:2. Determine the relative atomic mass of Y
      14. 2SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3 ΔH= -35.5KJ/mol-in the reaction, favourable condition for forward reaction is
      15. The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is
      16. Methane reacts with Chlorine at room temperature to produce tetrachloromethane in presence of what kind of light
      17. A metal that will liberate H2 gas from dilute HN03 is ___
      18. Iron produced from blast furnace is

      1) a load of 160N is lifted by a machine which has a VR of 5 what is the forced expended by the machine if the efficiency is 80%
      2. What is the mass of a photon of a wavelength 7×10 ^-7 which behaves like a particle
      3. A device used to turn AC to DC is __
      4. Two forced formin a couple are separated by a distance of 0.25m if one of the forces is 40N, calculate the distance between them
      5. The angle of declination is___
      6. A person stood 99m from the foot of a cliff claps and hears an echo 0.33 seconds later, calculate the speed of sound in air.
      7. A machine with efficiency 40% is used to lift a box. If the effort applied is twice the weight, calculate Velocity Ratio
      8. Calculate fundamental frequencies of sound waves generated in a pipe of length 0.45m closed at one end if the velocity of sound in air is 340m/s
      9. Centripetal and centrifugal force are equal and act ___
      10. Image formed by a plane mirror is generally ___
      11. Calculate the position of an object placed in front of a concave mirror if focal length 0.15m such that an image is formed 0.09m away from the screen
      12. 4kg of water is heated with a heating coil which draws 4.2A from a 200V main supply for 2 mins. What is the increase in temperature of the water
      13. Threshold frequency of Tungsten is 2.5 x10^ -18, what is the work function
      14. Snells law can be stated as ___
      15. Find the acceleration due to gravity of a body of mass 6kg at a distance of 6×10^-6m from the center of the earth
      16. Examples of luminous objects include __

      1.Who was the secretary -general of common wealth?
      2. What is the function of SERVICOM?
      3. Civil service


      JAMB mock CRK
      1.what does the scroll that God asked Ezekiel to eat signify
      A.manna from above
      B.word of God
      C.bread of life of life

      2.The book law was discovered in the reign of_

      3.Moses provided water for the israelites at_
      A.massah and meribah
      D.Red sea

      4.what was the punishment for Eli
      A.God ignored their prayers
      B.God punished Israel
      C.His two sons died in a battle
      D.God neglected the prophets

      5.David was chosen among all hi brothers because
      A.he was the most handsome
      B.he was the most intelligent
      C.God saw his heart

      6.God dethroned Saul because of his

      7.The greatest achievement of solomon was
      A.his building projects
      B.his law
      C.his judgement on marital matters

      8.Ahab forcefully taking away Naboth’s vineyard demonstrates his_

      9.God showed his supremacy to the people of Israel by
      A.consuming Elijah’s sacrifice by fire killing the prophets of baal
      C.sentencing Ahab to death by hanging

      10.According to paul,humility means
      A.counting on God’s grace
      B.counting others to be better than you

      11.Christians can be good citizens through
      B.challenging the government
      C.paying taxes and rates when due
      D.Joining in protests against the government

      12.The disciples did not come close to Saul because
      A.they thought that he was not truly converted
      B.he needed to suffer for his sins

      13.According to John,partiality in the church can be seen through
      A.Equal treatment of the poor and the rich
      B.shabby treatment of the poor
      C.shabby treament of both the rich and the poor

      14.According to paul,on the second coming of jesus christ the dead will
      A.inherit the earth
      B.rise first given grace by God

      15.One major significance of the republican constitution was that
      A.the queen was no longer the head of state
      B.the president was the head of government
      C.the prime minister was the head of state

      16.Bi-cameralism is mainly ceiticized because of
      A.delay in legislation
      B.Disagreement between the two houses
      C.denigration of the house of representatives

      17.A type of government whereby the central power is weak while the component units are stronger is said to be

      18.A system of government that is hereditary is known as

      19.A form of government that allows religious leaders to rule is known as

      20.A political ideology that is strongly against ownership exploitation is

      21.The reason for the intervention of military in government is

      22.The act of making a public office to be profit oriented is known as

      23.A constitution that is decide and documented on a file is said to be

      24.Delegatied legislation negates _

      25.A system whereby citizens contest in elections individually is known as party system
      B.multiparty system
      C.two party system party system

      26.which factor of political socialization affects the early view of a citizen about politics
      A.pressure group
      C.political party

      27.A candidate can win in an absolute majority system if the candidate has
      A.40% of the votes cast
      B.60% of the votes cast
      C.highest nunber of votes cast
      D.50% of the votes cast

      28.The director of a public corporation is the
      A.board of directors
      C.General manager
      D.Managing director

      29.The clerical part of the civil service is responsible for

      30.The warrant chiefs were established in the East because

      31.what was the main feature of lyttleton constitution


      1.what is the iupac nomenclature of CH³CH=CH(CH³)2
      2. in the periodic table, a element with atomic number 16 which group and period does the element belong to
      3. in a fountain experiment , the gases used are ammonia and ____
      4. a primary alkanol which is primarily heated and reacted with acidified KMnO4 yields ______
      5. a mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium chloride will be separated by___
      6. an anhydrous compound X on exposure to atomspheric moisture turns blue X is___
      7. Magnesium has smaller radius than that of Calcium because ____
      8. 2SO² + O2(g) = SO3 , what will favour the forward reaction___
      9. SO2(g) is delivered through downward delivery of gas because___
      10 in the equation Zn +CuSO4 = ZnSO4 +Cu
      copper is what in the reaction
      11. iron produced directly from the blast furnace is _____
      the bond which exist in hydroxonium ion is
      12.the reaction between diamines and dicarboxylic acid copolymerize to produce___
      13. zinc is not a transition element because__
      14. the metal that will liberate H2(g) from dilute HNO3 is ____
      15. iron can be extracted from ___
      16. a reaction of methane and chlorine gas at room temperature to yield tetrachloromethane in the presence of ___
      17. the process of converting of ethanol to ethene using conc. H2SO4 at 180⁰c is by _____
      18. what number of unpaired electrons is present in X¹⁶
      19. chlorine gas is upward delivery of air because___
      20. calculate the solubility of NaCl at 65⁰c when 225g of salt is dissolved in 1dm3 of solution (Na= 23 Cl=35.5)
      21. calculate the ph in 0.001mol/dm³ of NaOH condensation polymerization, the monomer are linked together in a regular fashion with elimination of __
      23. which of the following compounds has covalent ionic and dative bond within its crystal ZnCl2 NH3 NH4Cl Ca(NO3)2
      24. an organic compound which decolourizes acidified KMnO4 abd does not react with ammoniacal silver nitrite is an example of ___
      25. the source of carbon(ii)oxide that acts as an air pollutants is ___
      26 . the solubility of NaCl in H2O is higher than that of HCl because__
      27. in the electrolysis of brine using platinum electrode , the electrolyte become___
      28. ions that cause hardness in water are removed industrially by ____
      29 . calculate the time required to deposit 4.5g of copper from CuSO4 solution by passing a current of 2.5 amperes
      30. Iodine can be added to table salt to prevent goiter ( AgI HgI2 NH4I KI)
      31. HCl is a strong acid because___
      32. ethyne is passed through hot tube in the presence of organic nickel catalyst , it polymerizes to
      33 Aluminum is preferred to copper in making overhead cable beacause aluminum is ___
      34 a hydrocarbon whose C= 9.0g H = 2.0g whose vapor density is 22 calculate its molecular formula
      35. H2+I2 = HI the enthalpy change= -9500J and entropy= +28J , the reaction is ___

    • #66278
      Student Village

      There was a passage on rail transport and a clause passage on hospital treatments.
      1. Audacious
      2. Emphasize
      3. Abridged
      4. Pertinent
      5. Mild
      6. Excessive
      1. The theory of use and disuse was founded by…
      2. Causative organism of typhoid is…
      3. (Diagram of mushroom) The part that produces spores is…
      4. If blood group O collects blood from blood group B, what will happen…
      5. Root hairs in dicots originate from…
      6. If a colour blind man(xx) marries a colour blind woman carrier(Xx), what percentage of their children will be colourblind?
      7. The enzyme produced by the gastric gland is…
      8. The evidence of evolution based on fossil records is…
      9. What kind of biome can be found in Nigeria?
      10. The southern guinea savanna can be found in…
      1. Find the pH of 0.001moldm-³ of NAOH
      2. What is the IUPAC name of CH3CH=CH2(CH3)2
      3. 10 moles of nitrogen was sparked with 50 moles of hydrogen in a mixture. What volume of hydrogen was in excess?
      4. 9g of Carbon and 2g of hydrogen exist in a hydrocarbon. If the vapour density is 22, what is the molecular formula?
      5. Find the time taken during the electrolysis of cupper if 2.5A and 4.5g is produced.
      6. What bonds are found in H3O+?
      7. During the electrolysis of brine, what is observed at the electrodes after electrolysis?
      8. How many unpaired electrons are in 16X?
      9. If the enthalpy change is -9500J and the entropy change is +28 at 25⁰C, is the reaction spontaneous? non spntaneous? reversible? at equilibrium?
      10. Magnesium is smaller than calcium because? (options were on atomic radii)
      1. If a plane took off with a pressure of 2×10^5N/m² and temperature of 25⁰C, what will be the temperature if it landed with a pressure of 3×10^5N/m²
      2. What is the distance between two successive nodes?
      3. Calculate the work function if the threshold frequency is 2.5×10^-18 (h=6.6×10^-34)
      4. The dimension of power is?
      5. What must be added to a 10μF and 12μF capacitor connected in series to make its total capacitance 4μF?
      6. A wave function is given by y=Asin2π/λ(vt + x), calculate the wavelength.
      7. Calculate the linear expansitivity if the length (4) was expanded by 0.2 with a 10⁰C tenperature rise.
      8. Calculate the velocity ratio if the efficiency is 40% and the effort is twice the load.
      9. What is the acceleration due to gravity if the mass of the body is 6kg and the distance from the earth is 6×10^-6? (G=6.6×10^-11)
      10. The resultant of two vectors inclined at an angle can be found by?


      English:- comprehension was adapted from john D (1939)
      The social function of sciences
      Ogunsanwo o etal (2013) countdown
      English development
      Novel:- Sweet sixteen
      Opposite of the word:- Muddled, abridged, staunch, competent, mild, vehemently
      Nearest in meaning: lucid, audacious, boring
      Vowel sound:- Piece(ie was underlined),
      Stress patern :- Flaggabasted
      Emphatuc stress

      Which gland is called the master gland
      The developing embryo is located in the part labelled
      The causative organism of Typhiod is__________
      A question about hepatic portal vein
      About 2 questions on Food chain
      The evidence of evolution that is based on fossil record is?
      A man with blood group O receive blood from group A what will happen
      Which of the following enzyme is found in gastric juice
      The anti-body present in the plasm of a man with blood group B is _______________
      Random change in DNA base composition is known as
      The organ responsible for removal of bilirubin

      Formular for soapless detergent
      calculations on standard heat change
      chemistry organic chemistry
      A compound that has the characteristics of covalent, dative and coordinate covalsnt bond
      Seperation of ammonium chloride and sodium chloride is by what seperation technique
      The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is
      A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is called
      Solubility of NaCl in H20 is higher than in dilute HCl as a result of______________
      Relative humidity
      Surface tension formula


      Use of English 60questions from: Comprehension Passages, Stress and Emphatic Stress, Vocabulary Development, Synonyms and Antonym, Consonant and Vowel Sounds, etc.

      Mathematics 40questions from: Number Bases, Polygon, Quadratic Equation, Logarithms, Linear Inequalities, Interests, Matrices, Sequence, Locus, Trigonometry, BODMAS, Coordinate, etc.

      Physics 40questions from: Scalars and Vectors, Motion, Waves, Basic Elecron, Pressure in fluid, Magnetic Field, Basic Electrons, Measurements of Heat, Machine, Electrolysis, etc.

      Chemistry 40questions from: Gas Laws, Periodic Table, Acid, Base and Salts, Hydrocarbon, Solubility, Heat Change in Chemical Reaction, Separation Techniques, Industrial preparation of some chemicals.

      1) The iodine in NaCl which prevents goitre
      ans; potassium iodide ✅
      2) N² + 2H² —-> 2NH²….. Increase in temperature will favour (a) forward reaction (b) backward reaction
      (3) calculate the enthalpy of formation
      (4) The increase in the concentration of a chemical reaction will?
      ans; increase the rate of chemical reaction ✅
      (5) In an experiment, chlorine water gives off
      (a) hydrogen gas (b) chlorine gas (c) oxygen gas✅
      (6) Hypochlorous acid liberates oxygen when exposed to?
      ans; ultraviolet rays ✅
      (7) The compound used in fountain experiment
      ans; Ammonia and Hydrogen chloride ✅
      (8) An organic compound not involved in soap making
      (9) a question was asked about a solution of brine
      (10) Brass is an alloy of ?
      ans; Copper and Zinc ✅
      (11) A metal that is extracted from its ore by electric
      ans; Aluminum ✅
      (12) The process of conversion of alkanol to alkene is ?
      (13) The process of conversion of straight chain hydrocarbon to branch chain is called?
      ans: reforming ✅
      (14) calculations on faraday
      (15) calculations on solubility
      (16) The indicator used in the titration of KOH and ethanoic acid is?
      ans ; phenolphthalein ✅
      (17) The pH of 0.001 mol/ dm³ of NaOH is ?
      ans; 3
      (18) H²S —-> H² + S The oxidation number of sulphur changes from?
      ans; -2 to 0 ✅
      (1) A diagram showing a thermometer, the curve part of the column in the thermometer ( which prevents mercury level from falling ) is ; kink ✅
      (2) a diagram showing three forces , 6N (at the north pole) , 4N (at the east pole) , an angle of 45° subtended at a line with force 2root2 between the west and the south pole . Find the resultant.
      (3) mathematical representation of Snell’s law
      ans; sin i /sin r ✅
      (4) calculations on gravitational field
      (5) on heat and electricity, question: find the increase in temperature. We were given m = 2kg, c = 4200J/Kg/K , t = 2 minutes, V = 200V and a figure in Ampere (I)
      (6) Relative density calculation. (given: Saturated vapour pressure, mass and volume)
      (7) What is an equipment that functions as a result of magnetic effect on electric current?
      ans ; Electric bell ✅
      (8) Two separate questions on ‘ machines’
      (I) effort was given as twice the load , efficiency was given & we were to find VR
      (II) we were asked to find effort with other parameters given
      (9) Convert 48°C to F
      ans ; 118 °F✅
      (10) Atmospheric pressure can be measured accurately using ?
      ans; Fortin barometer ✅
      (11) calculations on capacitance (find the effective capacitance)
      (12) calculations on finding overtone and fundamental frequency
      (13) Find the speed of sound (given distance and time)
      (14) Linear expansivity (find the increase in length)
      (15) The material used in the conversion of AC to DC is ; (a) N-type semiconductor (b) diode (c) rectifier ✅
      (16) An object was suspended in a beaker containing a liquid with two arrows pointing upward from the object labelled:F1 & F2 and another arrow pointing downward from the bottom of the object in the beaker labelled F3. We were asked to label F1, F2 and F3 given; Viscosity, upthrust, gravity , normal reaction.
      (17) Steam burn is more severe than that of boiling water because?
      (18) A magnet can be demagnetized by ?
      (19) The dimension for power
      ans; ML-²T-³

      (1) A diagram showing the female reproductive system. ‘ implantation ‘ occurs ?
      (2) A diagram of a mushroom, the part where spores are formed ?
      (3) The characteristics of an anemophilous flower
      (4) which biome can be found in Nigeria?
      (5) The enzyme in gastric juice (a) Amylase (b) trypsin (c) lipase (d) pepsin✅
      (6) Southern guinea savannah can be found in which states in Nigeria?
      (7) questions on bryophytes
      (8) question on blood group B( anti A and anti B✅)
      (9) when a person with blood group O donates blood to a person with blood group A ?
      (10) A man with blood group BO and his wife with blood group OO , the probability of having children with blood group B is ?
      (11) The ecological factor affecting a terrestrial habitat is ?
      (12) Protoplasm contains ?
      (13) Bilirubin can be found in the: liver✅
      (14) Soil colour is gotten from?
      (15) The gland that controls the action of all other glands is ; pituitary gland ✅
      (16) The gland that secretes both hormone and enzyme is ; pancreas ✅
      (17) we were asked to find the pancreas in a diagram showing the human digestive system
      (18) cambium is absent in?

      (1) The military leader blazed the trail by handing power to the civilians. This means:
      He set an example ✅
      (2) Ten questions from sweet sixteen
      (3) Antonyms
      (I) staunch – strong✅
      (II) vehemently – strongly ✅
      (III) muddled – clear ✅
      (4) Synonyms
      (I) lucid – clear
      (II) espoused – supported
      (5) Comprehension passage( science & humanities)
      (I) excerpt……” Palpably” as used in the passage means – obviously ✅
      (II) the tone of the writer
      (6) orals
      (I) piece
      (II) flabbergasted – FLAbbergasted
      (III) euphemism – EUphemism
      (IV) oil- joy
      (7) Emphatic stress (5 questions)



      1) The iodine in NaCl which prevents goitre
      ans; potassium iodide ✅
      2) N² + 2H² —-> 2NH²….. Increase in temperature will favour (a) forward reaction (b) backward reaction
      (3) calculate the enthalpy of formation
      (4) The increase in the concentration of a chemical reaction will?
      ans; increase the rate of chemical reaction ✅
      (5) In an experiment, chlorine water gives off
      (a) hydrogen gas (b) chlorine gas (c) oxygen gas✅
      (6) Hypochlorous acid liberates oxygen when exposed to?
      ans; ultraviolet rays ✅
      (7) The compound used in fountain experiment
      ans; Ammonia and Hydrogen chloride ✅
      (8) An organic compound not involved in soap making
      (9) a question was asked about a solution of brine
      (10) Brass is an alloy of ?
      ans; Copper and Zinc ✅
      (11) A metal that is extracted from its ore by electric
      ans; Aluminum ✅
      (12) The process of conversion of alkanol to alkene is ?
      (13) The process of conversion of straight chain hydrocarbon to branch chain is called?
      ans: reforming ✅
      (14) calculations on faraday
      (15) calculations on solubility
      (16) The indicator used in the titration of KOH and ethanoic acid is?
      ans ; phenolphthalein ✅
      (17) The pH of 0.001 mol/ dm³ of NaOH is ?
      ans; 3
      (18) H²S —-> H² + S The oxidation number of sulphur changes from?
      ans; -2 to 0 ✅
      (1) A diagram showing a thermometer, the curve part of the column in the thermometer ( which prevents mercury level from falling ) is ; kink ✅
      (2) a diagram showing three forces , 6N (at the north pole) , 4N (at the east pole) , an angle of 45° subtended at a line with force 2root2 between the west and the south pole . Find the resultant.
      (3) mathematical representation of Snell’s law
      ans; sin i /sin r ✅
      (4) calculations on gravitational field
      (5) on heat and electricity, question: find the increase in temperature. We were given m = 2kg, c = 4200J/Kg/K , t = 2 minutes, V = 200V and a figure in Ampere (I)
      (6) Relative density calculation. (given: Saturated vapour pressure, mass and volume)
      (7) What is an equipment that functions as a result of magnetic effect on electric current?
      ans ; Electric bell ✅
      (8) Two separate questions on ‘ machines’
      (I) effort was given as twice the load , efficiency was given & we were to find VR
      (II) we were asked to find effort with other parameters given
      (9) Convert 48°C to F
      ans ; 118 °F✅
      (10) Atmospheric pressure can be measured accurately using ?
      ans; Fortin barometer ✅
      (11) calculations on capacitance (find the effective capacitance)
      (12) calculations on finding overtone and fundamental frequency
      (13) Find the speed of sound (given distance and time)
      (14) Linear expansivity (find the increase in length)
      (15) The material used in the conversion of AC to DC is ; (a) N-type semiconductor (b) diode (c) rectifier ✅
      (16) An object was suspended in a beaker containing a liquid with two arrows pointing upward from the object labelled:F1 & F2 and another arrow pointing downward from the bottom of the object in the beaker labelled F3. We were asked to label F1, F2 and F3 given; Viscosity, upthrust, gravity , normal reaction.
      (17) Steam burn is more severe than that of boiling water because?
      (18) A magnet can be demagnetized by ?
      (19) The dimension for power
      ans; ML-²T-³

      (1) A diagram showing the female reproductive system. ‘ implantation ‘ occurs ?
      (2) A diagram of a mushroom, the part where spores are formed ?
      (3) The characteristics of an anemophilous flower
      (4) which biome can be found in Nigeria?
      (5) The enzyme in gastric juice (a) Amylase (b) trypsin (c) lipase (d) pepsin✅
      (6) Southern guinea savannah can be found in which states in Nigeria?
      (7) questions on bryophytes
      (8) question on blood group B( anti A and anti B✅)
      (9) when a person with blood group O donates blood to a person with blood group A ?
      (10) A man with blood group BO and his wife with blood group OO , the probability of having children with blood group B is ?
      (11) The ecological factor affecting a terrestrial habitat is ?
      (12) Protoplasm contains ?
      (13) Bilirubin can be found in the: liver✅
      (14) Soil colour is gotten from?
      (15) The gland that controls the action of all other glands is ; pituitary gland ✅
      (16) The gland that secretes both hormone and enzyme is ; pancreas ✅
      (17) we were asked to find the pancreas in a diagram showing the human digestive system
      (18) cambium is absent in?

      (1) The military leader blazed the trail by handing power to the civilians. This means:
      He set an example ✅
      (2) Ten questions from sweet sixteen
      (3) Antonyms
      (I) staunch – strong✅
      (II) vehemently – strongly ✅
      (III) muddled – clear ✅
      (4) Synonyms
      (I) lucid – clear
      (II) espoused – supported
      (5) Comprehension passage( science & humanities)
      (I) excerpt……” Palpably” as used in the passage means – obviously ✅
      (II) the tone of the writer
      (6) orals
      (I) piece
      (II) flabbergasted – FLAbbergasted
      (III) euphemism – EUphemism
      (IV) oil- joy
      (7) Emphatic stress (5 questions)

      JAMB mock CRK contd
      32.The son of man has no place to lay his
      head.This statement was referred to
      C.matthew the task collector
      D.the volunteer disciple

      33.In the first account of creation, the firmament was created before the
      A. earth and plants
      B.birds of the air creatures
      D.heavenly bodies

      JAMB mock Use of English
      34.what is the correct stress pattern for euphemism

      sweet sixteen
      35.Aliya got an A in chemistry because is her favourite subject
      B her father scolded her
      C.she participated in examination malpractice

      36.Aliya’s father calls her a priceless gift because

      1. Dimension of power is ?
      2. centripetal and centrifugal forces are equal and acts as?
      3. when a musical instrument is sounded, the overtone from it is ?
      4. A device which can be used to convert A.C and D.C is ?
      5. The angle of declination is ?
      6. Two forces forming a couple are separated by a distance of 0.25m. if one of the force is 40N, what is the moment of the couple?
      7. The temperature of 45°c is the same as _____F.
      8. The average distance a molecule travel between successive collision is ?
      9. For accurate measurement of atmospheric pressure, it is preferable to use?

      1.The causative organism for typhoid fever is ?
      2. Trendils of a climbing plant that twine around a support is an example of_______
      3. Protoplasm of a living cell is found in?
      4. The dominant generation in bryophytes is _____
      5.The removal of bilirubin from the body of man is carried out by the ________
      6. The periodic shedding of yhe exoskeleton of an insect is termed
      A. Ecdysis
      B. Metamorphosis
      can’t remember the rest
      7. A part of the plant in which cambium is completely absent is_____
      8. In the blood grouping only ______ has a heterozygous genotype.
      9. A bird with powerful, sharp and curved beak is ?
      10. Southern Guinea, savanna is found ______

      1. Calculate the PH in 0.001mol/dm-³, NaOH
      2. when water freezes, its density ______
      3. The iodine that can be added to table salt for prevention of goiter is _________
      4. The process by which straight chain-alkanes are converted catalytically into Branched chain-alkane is________
      5. Calculate the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSo4 solution?
      6. Methane reacts with chlorine at room temperature to produce tetrachloromethane in the presence of ?
      A. ultra violent ray
      B. Infared ray
      c. Sunlight
      can’t remember the last option
      7. If the temperature of the reactant is increased, the rate of reaction will________
      8. The gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and _________
      9. In the laboratory preparation of ethane, gas is passed through acidified CUSO4 to remove ______


      Physics was linear expansivity, celcius to Fahrenheit, relative density, specific heat capacity( the one that involves electricity), waves, convex and concave mirror, focal length, capacitance, angle of declination, Snell law formula, gravitational field, resultant, demagnetization, modes of heat transfer, dimension for power


      For English
      Synonyms (nearest in meaning)
      Antonyms (opposite in meaning)
      Consonants and vowels
      A passage was given to read and answer following question
      Emphatic Stress

      For Chemistry
      Reduction-Oxidation reaction
      Separation Technique
      Organic Chemistry
      Heat Change in Reactions
      Solubility curve (a question on it)?
      Hydroxonium bond is of what composed ?
      Which Alkane is liquid at room temperature ?
      Enzymatic conversion of Glucose to ethanol is by what process?
      Ammonium chloride and Sodium Chloride is separated by which techniques?
      Iron + Blast furnace will give what type of iron?
      Chlorine water will liberate what gas?
      SO² is passed downward in a reaction, why?
      Primary alcohol and KMNO4 gives what?
      Aluminum ore is?
      Aluminum is preferred to copper for electrical purposes why?
      Frozen water, is the density increased or decreased?
      PH of 0.001 NaOH?
      These are some I scribbled down

      For Physics
      Heat and Temperature
      What is snell’s formula?
      AC to DC is converted by?
      What is a luminous object (types)?
      What is Bulk Modulus explaining?
      When platinum electrodes is used to electrolyse, what is electrolyzed?
      Thermoelectric work on what principle?
      A question on linear expansivity
      Series and Parallels
      Speed of sound in air

      For Biology
      Ecology and Biomes
      Blood groups
      Questions include:
      A bird with strong curved beak?
      Tullgreen is to measure what?
      Quadrant is for what?
      Anermophillous flowers gives out what that attracts pollinators?
      Sequence of Urine formation?
      Sequence of Digestion?
      What is the master Endocrine gland?
      Euglena to low light intensity is?
      Caste of termites consists?
      When AB and AB marries children will be?
      Blood groups knowledge help in blood transfusion to prevent?


      Under Biology,
      1. Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower.
      a. numerous and light pollen grains.
      b. brightly coloured petals.
      c. presence of nectar.
      d. scented flower
      2. A quadrant can be used to do which of the following
      a. determine the total number of a specie in a population
      3. A diagram of the digestive system was given. Which of the following part labelled I to IV produces hormones and digestive enzymes. The answer is pancreas
      4. Which of the following is called a master gland.
      a. pituary gland
      b. adrenal gland
      5. The diagram of the female reproductive system was given. Where does FERTILIZATION take place in the female reproductive system. The parts where labeled but the answer is fallopian tube.
      6. Which characteristic is common to both gills and lungs
      a. they are highly vascularized.
      b. the are exposed to the atmosphere

      In terms of the questions asked
      The questions asked was derived mostly from topics like,,,,,for English
      Consonant sounds
      Vowel sound
      Reading passage about rail transport
      Reading passage about an accident victim
      Opposite in meaning (mild)
      Nearest in meaning(adhere)
      What a statement is trying to convey ( my hair always stands when my son is driving)
      In terms of Biology
      Food chain
      Animal kingdom like pisces, anthropoda
      To dictate spore
      Respiratory organs of amphibians
      For chemistry
      Periodic table
      Calculation In moldm3
      Separation techniques
      Acids and bases
      For physics
      Distance wavelength

      •Convert 45°C to Fahrenheit
      •aneroid barometer is used in measuring?
      •the dimensional unit for power is?
      •the angle of declination at a place is what?
      answer:the angle between the earth’s geographic and magnetic meridians
      •find the r.m.s value of an alternating current whose peak value is 240V

      •which of these is an iron ore
      a. bauxite
      b. magnetite
      c. cassiterite
      d. malachite
      •which of these is an aluminum ore
      a. haematite
      b. magnetite
      c. bauxite
      d. bornite
      •what else can be used when performing fountain experiment apart from ammonia
      answer:hydrogen chloride
      •what is the maximum number of electrons in the 3rd shell of an aluminum atom
      a. 8
      b. 3
      c. 2
      d. 1
      •which of these metals are extracted electrically
      a. Zn
      b. Ca
      c. Al
      d. Mg
      • SO2 is collected by downward displacement because?
      answer: it is denser than air
      •arrange in increasing order of first ionization energy Li>B>N>F
      •an element with atomic number 15 belongs to what group and period
      answer:period 3, group V
      •the bonding in an oxonium ion consists of?
      a. ionic and covalent
      b. coordinate covalent
      c. dative and covalent
      d. ionic and dative
      •when ammonium chloride is mixed with aqueous sodium chloride the separation technique used is
      a. decantation
      b. sublimation
      c. filtration
      d. evaporation
      •when methyl orange is added to NaOH the solution turns
      a. orange
      b. pink
      c. yellow
      d. blue

      • the artist wore a __________ at the concert
      a. silk blue beautiful dress
      b. beautiful blue silk dress
      c. blue beautiful silk dress
      d. silk dress beautiful blue

    • #66279
      Student Village

      For Chemistry jamb mock 2024
      (1) The compound that contains covalent, ionic and dative bonds with its crystal is (a) Zncl2 (b) NH3 (c) NH4Cl (d) Ca(NO3)2
      (2) Iron can be extracted from (a) cryolite (b) dolomite (c) magnetile (d) Cassiterite
      (3) CH3CH=CH (CH₃)₂ name the compound _____
      (4) Calculate the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution (Cu=64, S=32, O=16)
      (a) 51.2g (b) 30g (c) 20g (c) 11.5g
      (5) The mass ratio between hydrogen and carbon in an alkane is 3:16. what is the molecular formula of this hydrocarbon
      [C=12, H=1]
      (a). C8H16 (b) C8H14 (c) C8H18 (d) C8H12
      (6) Ammonium chloride when mixed sodium chloride can be separated by? (a) sublimation (b) fitration (c) evapouration (d) decantation.
      (7) Two element V and W have atomic number 13 and 14 respectively. The formula of the compound formed when they combine is
      (a) V₃W₂ (b) V₂W₃ (c) VW (d) VW₃
      (8) The conversion of C2H5OH to C2H4 in the presence of concentrated H2SO4 at 180° is by (a) dehydration (b) hydrolysis (c) hydrogenation (d) decarboxylation
      (9) if 10cm³ of nitrogen gas are sparked with 50cm³ of hydrogen gas at a temperature of 25°C and a pressure of 40atm. Calculate the volume of hydrogen in excess
      (a) 10cm³ (b) 20cm³ (c) 40cm³ (d) 60cm³
      (10) C2H6(g) + ½O2 —-> C2H5OH(l)
      From the reaction, calculate standard heat change in kmol-¹, if the standard heats of formation of C2H6 and C2H5OH are -150.5kmol-¹ and -325.5kmol-¹ respectively (a) +175 (b) -175 (c) +475 (d) -476

      For English jamb mock 2024
      Choose the correct opposite in meaning
      (1) The punishment she recommend was too (mild) to be effective (a)great (b) severe (c) exorbitant (d) sophisticated
      ( 2)Choose the one with the same consonant as
      (a) wedged (b) marked (c) marked (d) mist
      (3) Since the doctor has been paying her regular visits, she may recover, this sentence means that ?
      (a) The doctor visits are no longer necessary
      (b) it’s possible she had recovered
      (c) she is still not very well
      (d) she is now quite well again

      For Mathematics jamb mock 2024
      (1) Find the locus of points equidistant from the point (K, K) and Q(-K,-K)_____
      (2) The Third and seventh term of a GP are 6 and 96 respectively, Find the common ratio (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) 1
      (3) Solve the inequality 6x +2 -2 (b) x< -2 (c) x2
      (4) Find the value of x, If 2 log x = Log (5x-6)
      (5) if y= x³ – 1/x find dy/dx (a) 3x² + 1/x (b) 3x² + 1/x² (c) 6x² + 1/x² (d) 2x²+1/x
      (6) S varies as the positive squareroot of T and when S= 2, T = 4. Find the value of S when T=36
      (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
      (7) if cos (x+20)° = Sin60°, find x
      (a) 30 (b) 25 (c) 16 (d) 10
      (8) One side of rectangular is 12cm and the diagonal is 15cm, calculate the arc of the rectangle.
      (a) 120cm² (b) 108cm² (c) 100cm² (d) 80cm²
      (9) find the arc between the curve y=3x² + 4x, the x axis and the lines x=1 and x=3
      (a) 43sq units (b) 42sq units (c) 41sq units (d) 40sq units

      For physics jamb mock 2024

      (1)In an AC circuit resistance by a capacitor or an inductor is termed
      (a) impedance (b) reactant (c) resonance (d) inductance
      (2) In the common emitter transitor amplified, the input signal is applied between the
      (a) base and emitter (b) emitter and ground (c) emitter and collector (d) collector and ground
      (3) When a musical instrument is sounded the over tune emanating from it (a) are independent of the type of instrument (b) always include all its harmonics (c) do not affect the quality of the sound (d) may have some of its harmonic absent
      (4) A latitude the fundamental frequency of sound waves generated on a pipe of length 0.45m closed at one end if the velocity of the sound in air is 340ms-¹ (a) 189Hz (b) 200Hz (c) 241Hz (d) 497Hz



      Literature chosen; sweet sixteen which surprised every candidate because we never expected it
      1. “Aliya your mind is like a beautiful room” from this exercept expression of beautiful room refers to
      2. Aliya’s relationship with Bobo can be referred to as
      3. Aliya’s father refers to her as priceless because
      4. Aliya was jealous of the girls Hawking oranges because
      5. Mr Bello was not happy with the gift given to his daughter because

      1. Animal with distasteful and poisonous glands on its skin is
      2. A bird with powerful sharp and curved beak is
      3. Excretory organ in fish and amphibian is
      4. In toad the number of chromosomes is 22 the haploid number is
      5. Causative organism for typhoid fever is
      6. Characteristics of anemophillious fever is
      7. Stamen of flower consist of
      8. If a man in blood group A receives blood transfusion from blood group O, what will occur
      9. In root of plant root hair arises from the
      10. Enzyme contained in gastric juice is
      11. The forest type in Nigeria is
      12. Periodic shedding of exoskeleton of an insect is
      13. Components of soil that gives it it’s characteristics colour is
      14. Energy in living cell is produced by

      1. A device used in transferring storing charge is
      2. Instrument used in determining weight of an object is
      3. Lenz law is the law of conservation of
      4. Image formed by a plane mirror is
      5. Presence of impurities in zinc used in simple cell causes

      1. Iron can be extracted from
      2. Absolute temperature is defined as
      3. Primary alkanol warmed with KMnO4 will produce
      4. Chlorine is prepared by upward displacement of air because
      5. In laboratory preparation of ethyne gas is passed through acid CuSO4 to remove
      6. Zn(s) + CuSO4- ZnSO4(aq)+ Cu(s) zinc acts as
      7. Ions that causes hardness of water are removed in the industry by
      8. Zinc is not regarded as transition element because
      9. Iron produced directly from blast surface is
      10. HCl is regarded as strong acid because?

      irst five questions was on conveying information that most appropriately suits the given sentence…

      Questions on
      “sweet sixteen”

      Stress on

      Nearest in meaning
      vowel sounds


      1)In the laboratory preparation of So2(g),it is collected on downward delivery because???
      2)A gas has a volume of 25cm^3, calculate the pressure if the volume is increased by 15% at s.t.p


      1) Snell’s law is stated???(ans was giving mathematically)

      1) which bird has powerful,sharp and curved beak

      English language
      questions on sweet sixteen
      1. The relationship between Aliya and Bobo is?
      2.Aliya learnt about s*x from the following media except? (a) magazine (b) Bobo (c) Classmate (d) Social media
      3. Towards the ending part of the novel Aliya was seen as a? (a) Lady (b) young Adult
      4. Aliya passed her exams because? (a) Chemistry became her best subject (b) She worked with determination
      5. The sweet sixteen novel is was it meant for? (a) young Adult (b) teenage girls (c) Girls below 12yrs
      *Stress pattern came out in English language( not much though)
      ** Registry came out ( talking about rail transportation) and ( Technology development)
      *** synonyms and antonyms
      **** Emphatics stress
      ***** Rhyme

      1. The efficiency of a machine is 40%, if the effort is twice the weight , Calculate the velocity ratio?
      2. Calculate the fundamental frequency of a closed pipe with velocity 340m/s and the length is 0.45m.
      3. young modulus in which the two force given, the original length and force applied. you are asked to find the extension.
      4. calculate the resistor of a cell in series required to give you 4 ohms, given 10 ohm, 12 ohms and x ohms?
      5. Calculate the effective resistance of a resistor connected in series and parallel( given in diagram)
      6.calculate power, given mass of 200kg, acceleration due to gravity, time in seconds( 10 secs) , vertical distance ( 6m)
      7. calculate linear expansivity of a material. original length 40.2m, second length 20.2m, change in temperature was 10 degree Celsius.
      * questions on current came out
      ** questions on potential difference
      *** questions on capacitor of capacitance
      **** questions on echoes( sound wave)

      BIOLOGY( can’t remember the options though)
      1. A diagram was given and we where asked to look for the spores is formed.
      2. What kind of forest is found in Nigeria (a) savannah (b) tropical rainforest ( c) Greenland forest
      3. which of the blood group is in the universal recipient (a) AB (b) A (c) B (d) O
      4. If a blood group O was given a blood with an antigen A what will be the result. (a) argonation (b)assimilation
      5. who brought out the theory of inherited characteristics?
      6. what part of the evidence of evolution deals with the fossil record?
      7. diagram given and the question asked was , where does fertilization occur?
      8. what part is responsible for digestion and also secret enzymes?
      9. where is endocrine system found?
      10. From what part of the plant does the root emerge from?
      11.quadrant is use to measure?
      12. In every food chain there must be a?
      13 . the process by which plant take in food is called?
      14.the process whereby plant roots absorbs water is? (a) osmosis (b) diffusion (c) plasmolysis (d) xylem

      1. The breaking down of glucose into ethanal is (a) polarization (b) cracking (c) reforming
      2. calculate the molecular formula of an hydrocarbon in the ratio 3:16
      3. Which of the metal is able to displace a trioxonitrate(v) salt from its solution (a) calcium (b) copper (c) zinc
      4. in the production of ammonia, in what condition will the reaction be favored? (a) increase in temperature (b) decrease in pressure
      5. calculate elthaphy change in a system, -150.5 in degree Celsius and 325.5 degree Celsius
      6. questions on Charles and boyles law
      7. what is the state of zinc in the equation ZN + H2So4 = ZNSo4 + H2O (a) oxidizing agent (b) reducing agent


      1. The movent of a Euglena towards light of low intensity is
      a. negative phototaxis
      b. positive phototaxis
      2. Roots hairs occur in
      a. piliferous layer
      b. pericycle
      c. cambium
      3. Which of the following is called a master gland.
      a. pituary gland
      b. adrenal gland
      4. The caste of termite is composed of?
      5. Montane vegetation can be found in what part of Nigeria
      a. Yenegoa
      b. Mambila
      c. Awka
      d. Ekiti
      6.The law of use and disuse was propounded by?
      a. Lamarck
      b. Darwin
      c. Hugo
      7. Which biome can be found in Nigeria?

      8 . Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower?
      a.numerous and light pollen grains
      b.presence of nectar
      C. brightly colored petals
      d. Scented flower

      9. A quadrant can be used to do which of the following?
      answer: determine the total number of a specie in a population.

      10.winds of a bat can be related to
      a. homologous
      b. heterologous
      c. heterozygous
      d. homozygous

      11.Which of the following is the process of assimilating good the digestive system of man
      a. Ingestion —> Digestion —> Absorption —> Assimilation
      b. Digestion —> ingestion —> assimilation —> absorption
      c. assimilation — digestion—> ingestion —> absorption

      12.Bilirubin in the body can be removed by
      a. lungs
      b. kidney
      c. liver

      13. If a man with blood group O receives blood from a person which blood group A, which of the following will occur
      a. Agglutination
      b. no agglutination

      14. A Tullgren funnel is used to determine what?
      15. An evidence of fossil records in evolution is also known as?
      Fishes, prawns and crabs are collectively called?

      17. A color blind man ( X^n Y) married a woman carrying the trait ( X^N X^n). what percentage of their children will be colour blind.
      a. 25%
      b. 50
      d. 100%

      18.Which of the following blood groups will give blood group AB ONLY when crossed
      a. AB
      b. AA
      d. O

      19. Absorption of mineral salts in plant roots occurs by
      a. Osmosis
      b. Diffusion
      c. active transport

      20. Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower.
      a. numerous and light pollen grains.
      b. brightly coloured petals.
      c. presence of nectar.
      d. scented flower

      21.The law of use and disuse was propounded by
      a. Lamarck
      b. Darwin
      c. Hugo

      22. The movent of a Euglena towards light of low intensity is?

      1. Calculate the frequency of the sound wave generated in a pipe length 0.45m closed at one end, if the velocity of the sound air is 340m/s

      2. At an air temp 30°C, the saturated vapour pressure of water vapour is 24.4mmHg and at dew point at 60°C it is 10.5mmHg. Find the relative humidity of air.

      1. when ammonium chloride is mixed with aqueous sodium chloride the separation technique used is
      a. decantation
      b. sublimation
      c. filtration
      d. evaporation

      2.which of these metals are extracted electrically
      a. Zn
      b. Ca
      c. Al
      d. Mg

      3. SO2 is collected by downward displacement because?

      4. the bonding in an oxonium ion consists of?
      a. ionic and covalent
      b. coordinate covalent
      c. dative and covalent
      d. ionic and dative

      5. Methane reacts with chlorine at room temp to form ?
      Flame test for sodium metal
      brick red
      deep blue
      golden yellow


      use of physic
      1-snells law stated
      use of chemistry
      1- the procedure for making ammonia
      ans=haber process
      2-the procedure for making H2SO4
      ans=contact process
      3- the process of converting gluocose to ethanol. I don’t know the answer but I choose fermentation
      4-H2SO4 is collect upward because
      5-organic compound CH3CH2cH2
      6-what is of oxygen in ratio 3:2
      use of biology
      1-gyelin juice is located in
      2- fertilization occur in label
      3-hormone and digestion take place in the part label ?
      4- the theory of natural selection of inheritance was proposed by?
      5-the types of bird that have well beak?


      1.the reason aliyah got an A in chemistry is because
      a) chemistry is her favorite subject
      b)she was scolded by her dad
      c)she was determined to pass

      1) The absolute-zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which:
      a) thermal motion ceases
      b) temperature of gas is 273°C
      c) ice melts
      d) pressure of real gas is maximum

      2) The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is:
      b) wavelength
      c) half wavelength
      d) quarter wavelength

      3) Examples of luminous objects include:
      i. sun
      ii. star
      iii. moon
      iv.lighted bulb
      a)i, iii
      b) i, iv
      c) ii, iv
      d) i, ii, iv

      4)The equipment that works as a result of magnetic effect of electric current is:
      a) Rheostat
      b) Thermostat
      c) Electric bell
      d) Carbon microphone
      5.the efficiency of a machine is 40 percent and the load is 160 with a velocity ratio of 5 find the effort.
      6Calculate the frequency of the sound wave generated in a pipe length 0.45m closed at one end, if the velocity of the sound air is 340m/s

      7 At an air temp 30°C, the saturated vapour pressure of water vapour is 24.4mmHg and at dew point at 60°C it is 10.5mmHg. Find the relative humidity of air.

      8 The cubic expansivity of mercury is 1.8 x 10-4K-1 and the linear expansivity of glass 8.0 x 10-6K-1, calculate the apparent expansivity of mercury in a glass container
      A. 1.00 x 10-4K-1
      B. 1.56 x 10-4K-1
      C. 1.72 x 10-4K-1
      D. 2.04 x 10-4K-1

      9 4kg of water heated with heat at which draw 4.2A from a 200V main for 2mins. What is the increase in temp of water, given Heat capacity= 4200jk/g/k.

      10 Mathematically, Snell’s can be stated as?sin i/sinr

      11 Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltmeter supply of 220V when current of 10A pass through for 150s

      12What is the device that convert AC to DC

      13A person standing 99m foot tall of a tall Clift drop his hands and hear an echo 0.33s later, cal the the speed of sound 6×6.6m/s air

      14 Centripetal and centrifugal area are equal at ?

      15 Mass of photon of wavelength 7×10^-7m which behaves like a particle is (h= 6.63×10^-34), e= 3.0×10^8
      If the threshold frequency of fungsten is 2.5×10^-18Hz, what is the work function. (6.6×10^-30)

      16 A load 96N is lifted by a machine which has a velocity ratio of 5. What is the force if it’s efficiency is 80%

      17 Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k. cal the expansion of 20m of rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C

      18the force of 10 N extends a spring of length 1m by 0.02m.calculate the length when applied force is 40 N
      1 When water freezes its density will
      2 the bond that exist in hydrogen bonds are
      3 ) IUPAC nomenclature for CH3CH=CH(CH3)2
      4 Which metal will liberate hydrogen from HNO3
      A. Zinc
      B. Copper
      C. Tin
      D. Aluminum

      5 Mass ratio between Hydrogen and Chlorine in a alkane is 3:16, cal it’s molecular formula

      6 Preparation of ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove ?

      7 Calculate the amount of hydrogen ion conc of a solution with PH3 at 25°c

      8 Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?

      9 Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and ?

      10 The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is ?

      11A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is what?

      12 In a flame test for the colour of sodium metal is?

      13 5.25g of CaCl2 salt is required to form saturated solution with 180cm^3 of water at 298k, cal it’s solubility at what temp.

      14 Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.

      15 The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is?

      16 Two isotopes X and Y 22 and 24 ocure in ratio 3:2 determine the relative atomic mass of Y

      17 Cal the pH in 0.001mol/dm^3 NaOH

      18 Two elements have 13, 8 respectively when they combine they form what
      A. C8H28
      B. C8H36

      19Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what?

      20 Arrange according to their boiling point, butanol, ethanol, Hexane, pentanoic acid

      21Methane react with chlorine at room temp to produce tetracholromethane in the presence of?

      22 Soapless detergent can be represented by (formula)?

      23Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what
      24 ore of alluminium is what
      25iron produces directly from the blast furnace is
      26magnesium has smaller radius than calcium because its atomic radius is
      27alluminium is preferred tocopper for making overhead electrc cables because alluminium is
      28 NH4CL==NH3+HCL
      In the reaction above increasing the temperature will
      1The ecological location in which an organism lives and survivew in called


      2The evidence of evolution that’s based on fossil record is?
      A ) paleontology
      B) Histology
      C) Embryology

      3If a man of group O receive blood from group A what will happen
      A .agluntinnation
      4.the part of the Mammalia skin where pigment is found is?A) Malpighian later
      5 Which of the following enzyme is found in gastric juice
      A. Lipase
      B. Ptyalin
      C. Trypsin
      D. Pepsin

      6The endocrine gland referred to as the master gland is what
      b.pituary gland
      c.thyroid gland
      d.adrenal gland

      7 In termite colony the cast that is responsible for the nest and provision of food are?
      worker soldiers drone queen

      8 A characteristics determined by a gene only on the x-chromosome is said to be ?
      9 The anti-body present in the plasm of a man with blood group B is?
      10 Dominant generation in bryophytes is

      11Random change in DNA base composition is referred to ?

      12The protoplasm is made up of ——- and ——-

      13Causative organism for typhoid fever is?

      14 The removal of bilirubin from the body of man is carryout by?

      15 Evolution based on fossil record is called what

      16 Characteristics of anamophillous flower is the ____
      B) Cornified layer

      The movent of a Euglena towards light of low intensity is
      a. negative phototaxis
      b. positive phototaxis
      2. Roots hairs occur in
      a. piliferous layer
      b. pericycle
      c. cambium
      3. Which of the following is called a master gland.
      a. pituary gland
      b. adrenal gland
      4. The caste of termite is composed of?
      5. Montane vegetation can be found in what part of Nigeria
      a. Yenegoa
      b. Mambila
      c. Awka
      d. Ekiti
      6.The law of use and disuse was propounded by?
      a. Lamarck
      b. Darwin
      c. Hugo
      7. Which biome can be found in Nigeria?

      8 . Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower?
      a.numerous and light pollen grains
      b.presence of nectar
      C. brightly colored petals
      d. Scented flower

      9. A quadrant can be used to do which of the following?
      answer: determine the total number of a specie in a population.

      10.winds of a bat can be related to
      a. homologous
      b. heterologous
      c. heterozygous
      d. homozygous

      11.Which of the following is the process of assimilating good the digestive system of man
      a. Ingestion —> Digestion —> Absorption —> Assimilation
      b. Digestion —> ingestion —> assimilation —> absorption
      c. assimilation — digestion—> ingestion —> absorption

      12.Bilirubin in the body can be removed by
      a. lungs
      b. kidney
      c. liver

      13. If a man with blood group O receives blood from a person which blood group A, which of the following will occur
      a. Agglutination
      b. no agglutination

      14. A Tullgren funnel is used to determine what?
      15. An evidence of fossil records in evolution is also known as?
      Fishes, prawns and crabs are collectively called?

      17. A color blind man ( X^n Y) married a woman carrying the trait ( X^N X^n). what percentage of their children will be colour blind.
      a. 25%
      b. 50
      d. 100%

      18.Which of the following blood groups will give blood group AB ONLY when crossed
      a. AB
      b. AA
      d. O

      19. Absorption of mineral salts in plant roots occurs by
      a. Osmosis
      b. Diffusion
      c. active transport

      20. Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower.
      a. numerous and light pollen grains.
      b. brightly coloured petals.
      c. presence of nectar.
      d. scented flower

      21.The law of natural selectionwas propounded by
      a. Lamarck
      b. Darwin
      c. Hugo

    • #66281

      1.To curb inflationary pressure government may adopt __
      2.Advantage of a monopolist
      3.Advantage Of Sole proprietorship
      4.Emphasis of profit maximization by state owned Enterprise is A. Commercilization B.Privatisation
      5.If an increase in the price of a mattress from #2000 leads to an increase in supply from 240-300 what is the price elasticity of supply A.2.8 B.3.2 C.3.6
      6.There will be a rise in a society standard of living if A.real GNP is growing faster than population
      7.The perfectly competitive firm will adjust its rate of productions to The point where A.MR>MC B.MC>MR
      8.Morality rate refers to __
      9.The natural resource for the manufacture of cement is A.limestone B.coal C.Iron ore
      10.Financial institution is formed purposely to finance higher purchase transactions is ____
      11.A firm market or capitalist economic system is controlled by ____
      12.Find the variancee of 20,30,40,50,60

      1.Calculate the value of exterior angle of polygon,if the exterior angle is 4 times interior angle
      2.Find the equation of a line perpendicular to the line y=-2/3x if two lines intersect at the point (-4,3) A.2y-3x-18=0
      3.If the mid point of (-2,3)and (m,n) is (-4,0). Find (m,n)
      4.The third and seventh term of a GP are 6 and 96 respectively.Find the common ratio
      5.logk 243 =5 ,find k
      6.Six crayons are placed on a table.Two of the crayons have the same colour.How many ways can the crayons be arranged if the two crayons with the same colour must be placed next to each other
      7.(X+2)is a factor of p(x)=x3 + qx2-rx-10 and the remaninder when px is divided by x-2 is 2. find q and r. A.(2,1)
      8. Given that cos titha = 2/3,where 00

      9.Maximum value of y=5+2x-x2
      10.The average age of 4 female teacher is 40.And average age of 8 male teacher is 25.Calculate the average age of teachers
      11.What is the probability of obtaining two heads or to tails if two coins are tossed together.A 1/2 B.1/4 C.1 D 1/3
      12.121n=1610 , find the value of n
      13.What is the difference between 111112 and 1000012 leave your answer in base 2.
      14.Calculate the area of aright andgled traingle whose sides are 13, 12 and 5.correct answer to 1d.p
      1.A copper rod 4m long when heated through 100c expands by 0.2.Calculate the linear expansivity
      2.Lanz’s Law is conversion of B.Power C.amplitude
      3.Dimension of Power is? A.ML2T-3
      4.Angle of declination occurs at?
      5.methods of demagnetization
      6.Idntify Luminous objectts and non luminous
      7.Presence of impurities in Zinc used in a simple cell caues_____
      8.Two forces forming a couple are seperated by a distance of 0.25.If one of the forces is 40N.What is the moment of the couple
      9.The equipment that function as a result of magnetic effect of electric current is?
      10.calculate the fundamental frequency of the sound waves generated in a pipe of length 0.45 closed at one end if the velocity of sound in air is 340ms-1
      11.Calculate the minimum wavelrngth of x-ray whena voltage of 400N is applied to an x-ray tube.
      12.If the relative density of metal is 14.2.what will be the mass of the metal when a volume 0f 20×10–6m3 is displaced when immersed in water
      13.Calculating questions on acceleration due to gravity.
      14.Wave is represented by equation A sin pie/4 (vt+x). Calculate the wave length
      !5. Calcuating relative humidity of air
      16.Two capacitor of capacitance 10 and 2 connected in series .Find the 3rd capacitance to give 4uF
      17.Calculate the length of spring when the applied force is 40N
      18.Electroscope uses
      19.Load(given)Velocity ratio(given)Efficiency(given), find the force
      20.The distance between 2 successive node of wave is ?
      21.Resultant of 2 vectors inclined at an ange can be obtained?
      22.Calculating the velocity of sound in air
      #meanings of following words,–Abridged,Affluence,Psychiatry,Stethoscope,Trolley,Stretcher,Pessimist,Infatuction


      1. Epigeal germination the structure that develops into root is
      A. Hypocotyl. B. Radicle C. Epicotyl
      2. What evidence of evolution based on fossil records is? A. Cytology B. Histology C. Paleontology
      3. The master gland is? A. Pancreas B. Pituitary C. Adrenal
      4. Example of a bird with webbed feet is? A. Duck B. Owl C. Humming bird
      5.A bird with a sharp,powerful, curved beak is? A. Heron B. Parrot C. Eagle
      6. If a colour blind man(XY) marries a female carrier(XX) of colour blind trait, what’s the percentage of children that are colourblind? A. 25% B.75% C.15%
      7.Which crossings will produce blood group AB only? A. AA xAB B. AA xAA C.AA xAB
      8.Which will go true breeding? A. AS B. rr C. Rr
      9. Swimming of euglena towards light of low intensity is? A. Negative photo tax is B. Positive phototaxis C. phototaxis
      10. Quadrant in population studies is used for?
      11. Reproductive organ of mushroom?
      12. Which of the following is the process of assimilating good the digestive system of man
      a. Ingestion —> Digestion —> Absorption —> Assimilation
      b. Digestion —> ingestion —> assimilation —> absorption
      c. assimilation — digestion—> ingestion —> absorption
      13. Montane vegetation can be found in what part of Nigeria
      A. Yenegoa . B.Mambila. C.Awka. D.Ekiti
      14. Absorption of mineral salt in plants is by?
      15. What organ is bilburim removed from the body? A. Kidney B. Liver C. Skin
      16. Tungrellis funnels is used in plants for?
      17.The fins of a whale, the hands of a man, and winds of a bat can be related to? A. homologous B.heterologous C.heterozygous D. homozygous

      1. Enzymatic conversion of glucose to ethanol is?
      2. In a flame test, the colour of sodium metal is?
      3. Preparation of ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove ?
      4.Calculate the amount of hydrogen ion conc of a solution with PH3 at 25°c
      5.The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is ?
      6. A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is what?
      7. Calculate the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.
      8.The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is?
      9. Two isotopes X and Y 22 and 24 occurs in ratio 3:2 determine the relative atomic mass of Y?
      10. Oxidation of primary alcohol gives?
      11. Why is SO2 collected by upward delivery?
      12. Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what?
      13.Hcl is regarded as a strong acid because? A. It is powerful B. It oxidizes completely C. It react with base
      14. Zinc is not regarded as a transition element why?

      1. Calculate the expansion of a 20m rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C (Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k)
      2.A device used in storing charge is…
      3.What is the device that convert AC to DC?
      4. When a musical instrument is sounded, the overtone emanating from it is?
      5.The Instrument used in determining weight of an object is?A. Lever balance. B. Spring balance. C. Beam balance
      6. Calculate the position of an object in front of a concave mirror of focal length 0.15m such that the image formed is 0.09m away.
      7.Centripetal and centrifugal force are equal at?
      8.Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltage supply of 220V when a current of 10A pass through it for 150s
      9. The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is:
      A.Amplitude. B. Wavelength. C.half wavelength. D. quarter wavelength
      10. The absolute-zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which? A.thermal motion ceases. B. temperature of gas is 273°C. C. Ice melts. D.pressure of real gas is maximum
      11. A load 96N is lifted by a machine which has a velocity ratio of 5. What is the force if it’s efficiency is 80%?
      12.Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k. cal the expansion of 20m of rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C?

      1. What word has the same consonant sound as shown in the underlined letter?
      pray ?
      A. War B. Burn C. Sword D. Roar
      2. What word has the same vowel sounds as shown?
      A. Bore B. Jaw C. Joy

      I wasn’t able to write much English questions .

      Apart from these questions, I decided to draw out the topic they decided to set from. I’m giving you guys so you can get grounded in these topics as jamb might set some questions from here too ‍♀.
      Evolution.  Excretion
      Genetics.   Soil
      Pollination.  Cell
      Food chain.   Ecology.
      Digestion.  Production of hormones (forgotten the topic its under). Etc..
      Expansivity  Sound energy
      Pressure.  Electricity
      Heat energy.  Capacitors.
      Viscosity.  Focal length (mirrors)
      Circular motion.  Etc
      Solubility.  Oxidation
      Heat change.  Metals and non-metals
      Polymerization.  Alkanes( organic chemistry)
      Soap.  Colour change
      Empirical formula.  Etc
      English: No special topics follows the same format and topics it takes


      * we were given 5 questions from
      Comprehension passage ( This passage was talking about the mineral resources in USA)
      * 10 questions from a closed passage.
      * 10 questions from sweet sixteen
      * 5 questions from lexis and structure (explain the information conveyed in a sentence)
      Questions I can remember from English

      1. Choose the option that rhymes with the given word.
      Answer: curse
      2. The word in capital letters have the emphatic stress, choose the option to which the given sentence relates
      My father BOUGHT the Car.
      A. Whose father buy a car?
      B. Did your father buy a house?
      C. Did your father steal a car?
      D. I can’t remember
      3. We were asked to find the synonyms of “bewilderment”
      4. Choose the option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word
      The students were asked to “adhere” to the principal’s authority.
      A. Disobey
      B. ….
      C. ….
      D. Neglect
      5. Choose the option that rhymes with the given word
      Answer: pray
      6. Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word
      Coporal punishment is meant to be a “deterrent” to indiscipline.
      A. Remedy B. Measure C. Discouragement D. Intervention (repeated question)
      7. Choose the option that best completes the sentence below
      The artist wore a _____ at the concert
      A. Silk blue beautiful dress
      B. Beautiful blue silk dress
      C. Blue beautiful silk dress
      D. Silk dress beautiful blue
      8. The correct stress pattern for “Commensialism” Was also asked
      Other topics that came out but could not remember are Concord, Tenses, verbs, conjunction, syllables. actually there was 2 questions from emphatic stress and syllables.


      1. Random changes in the DNA base composition is ____
      A. Recombination
      B. Mutation
      C. Hybridisation
      D. Radiation
      2. The theory of Evolutionary changes and the inheritance of acquired traits was postulated by
      A. Darwin
      B. Mendel
      C. Lamacks
      D. I don’t remember
      3. In Toad, if the number of chromosomes is 22 the haploid number is ______
      A. 44
      B. 48
      C. 12
      D. 24
      4. An example of a bird with webbed digit foot is _____
      A. Duck
      B. Heron
      C. Humming bird
      D. …….
      5. The protoplasm of a cell consist of _____
      Answer: nucleus and cytoplasm (repeated question)
      6. The removal of bilirubin from the body is carried out by _____
      A. Kidney
      B. Lungs
      C. Liver
      D. Pancreas
      7. A diagram was giving, illustrating the female reproductive organs
      The part through which fertilisation takes place is
      A. III
      B. I
      C. II
      D. IV (Repeated question)
      8. The process through which carbon IV oxide is removed from the atmosphere in plants is through
      A. Putrefaction
      B. Respiration
      C. Photosynthesis
      D. I can’t remember (repeated question)
      9. Spider respire with the aid of __
      Answer: lungbook
      10. The theory of use and disuse is propounded by ___
      A. Darwin
      B. Hurgole
      C. Lamacks
      D. …. ( repeated question)
      11. A colour blind man XnYn married a female carrier of XnXn. What is the probability of producing colour blinded children?
      A. 100%
      B. 75%
      C. 50%
      D. 25%
      12. Which of these forest type is found in Nigeria?
      Answer: Tropical rainforest
      13. The organisation level of Onion bulb is ___
      A. Organ
      B. Tissue
      C. System
      D. I can’t remember
      14. What would happen if a person with blood A receive blood from a person with blood group B?
      Answer: Agglutination
      15. The ecological location and roles of an organism is _____
      A. Habitat
      B. Ecosystem
      C. Ecological niche
      D. Community
      16. A bird with powerful, sharp and curved beak is____
      A. Eagle
      B. Heron
      C. …
      D. Weaver bird
      17. Montae vegetation can be found in found in ___
      A. Yenegoa
      B. Mambila
      C. Akwa
      D. Ekiti

      Answer: mambila
      18. The excretory Organ in fish and amphibians is______
      A. Kidney
      B. Liver
      C. Lungs
      D. ….
      19. Mineral salts that are absorbed by the root is through ___
      A. Transpiration
      B. Diffusion
      C. Active transport
      D. Osmosis (repeated question)
      20. What part of a monocot plant can the cambium be found?
      A. Stem
      B. Xylem
      C. Root
      D. Phleom
      21. Animal with distasteful and poisonous glands on its skin is
      Answer: Toad
      22. The evidence of evolution that is based on fossil record is___
      Answer: Embrology
      23. The causative organism for thyphod fever is?
      24. A diagram illustrating the internal organs
      We were asked to label the part that produces gastric juice
      25. The functions of gastric juice
      26. The Endocrine glands referred to as the master gland is
      A. Pituitary gland
      B. Thryriod gland
      C. Adrenal gland
      D. ….
      27. Which of the following enzymes is found on the gastric juice?
      A. Lipase
      B. Ptyalin
      C. Trypsin
      D. Pepsin
      28. The periodic shedding of exoskeleton of an insect is ___
      29. The movement of Euglena towards light of low intensity is
      A. Negative phototaxis
      B. Positive phototaxis
      C. Negative thermotaxis
      D. Positive thermotaxis
      30. A question from food web
      31. What type of circulation do arthropods and molluscs undergo?
      A. Open circulatory system
      B. Closed circulatory system
      C. Single circulatory system
      D. Double circulatory system

      1. Angle of declination is
      Answer: the angle between the geographic and magnetic meridian
      2. The dimensions of power is
      A. ML²T³
      B. ML²T²
      C. ML T²
      D. ML-¹T-²
      3. Which of these is/are through about evaporation?
      4. Electric charge is stored and transfered from
      Answer: Capacitor
      5. A machine with efficiency 40% is used to lift a box. If the effort applied is twice the weight , calculate the velocity ratio.
      6. Image formed by a plane mirror are generally
      A. ….
      B. Virtual
      C. …..
      D. Real
      7. Which of the following are luminous objects?
      I. Sun
      II. Star
      III. Moon
      IV. Lighted bulb
      8. Find the acceleration due to gravity of a body of mass 6kg at a distance of 6×10-⁶m from the centre of the earth.[G=6.6×10-³⁴]
      9. We were asked to find tension 60⁰ parallel [repeated question]
      Answer: 50N
      10. A person stood 99m from the foot of a cliff claps and hear an echo of 0.33 seconds later, calculate the speed of sound in air [ it seems this particular question have no suitable option and I skipped.
      11. There were two questions from
      12. The absolute Zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which___
      A. Thermal motion ceases
      B. Temperature of gas is 273⁰c
      C. Ice melts
      D. Pressure of real gas is maximum
      13. The equipment that works as a result of magnetic effect of current is___
      A. Rheostat
      B. Electric bell
      C. Thermostat
      D. Carbon microphone

      Wave, EMF , Magnetic field, Electromagnetic induction,Echo, Electrical Devices, Capacitance, Young module, Tensile stress/Tensile strain,laws of Electromagnetic induction


      1. The colour of methyl Orange in NaoH solution is ____
      A. Red
      B. Yellow
      C. …
      D. Orange
      2. HCL is a strong acid because ____
      3. Calculate the solubility of Nacl at 65⁰c when 225g of salt is dissolved in 1dm³ of solution ([Na=23,Cl=35.5]
      A. …
      B. ….
      C …
      D. 1.2dm³
      4. What is the gas that will liberate Cuso⁴ ?
      A. Cl²
      B. H²
      C. O²
      D. HCL
      5. Iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goitre is
      6. Two isotopes Y have 3:16………
      Find the atomic number of Y
      7. Calculate the pH of 0.001mol/dm³ of NaoH
      8. An organic compound which decolourises acidified kMno⁴ and does not react with amonical silver nitrate is an example of
      9. The solubility of Nacl in H20 is higher than that of HCL because
      10. Aluminum is preferred to copper in making overhead cable because Aluminum is……..
      11. One question from Electrolysis and we are asked to find the time taken to deposit 4.5g ….
      12. The mixture of ammonium chloride and aqueous sodium chloride can be separated by…
      A. Decantation
      B. Sublimation
      C. Filtration
      D. Evaporation
      13. In an experiment, chlorine water gives off
      A. Hydrogen gas
      B. Chlorine gas
      C. Oxygen gas
      D. ….
      14. Hypochlorous acid librates oxygen when exposed to?
      15. Which of these is an iron ore?
      A. Bauxite
      B. Magnetite
      C. Cassiterite
      D. Malachite
      16. Which of these is an aluminium ore?
      A. Haematite
      B. Magnetite
      C. Bauxite
      D. Bornite
      17. Which of these metals are extracted electrically?
      A. Zn
      B. CA
      C. Al
      D. Mg
      18. What is the maximum number of electrons of an aluminium atom?
      A. 8
      B. 3
      C. 2
      D. 1
      Acid, base and salt.
      pH, Organic compounds (Alkane, Alkyl, Alkanol, primary, secondary and tertiary, molecular formula)
      Electrochemical series (electropositivity, electronegativity, electron affinity)
      Configuration of the first 20 element.



    • #66282

      Jamb mock 2024

      1) Which of the following enzyme is found in gastric juice
      A. Lipase
      B. Ptyalin
      C. Trypsin
      D. Pepsin

      2) The endocrine gland referred to as the master gland is what

      3) In termite colony the cast that is responsible for the nest and provision of food are?

      4) A characteristics determined by a gene only on the x-chromosome is said to be ?

      5) The anti-body present in the plasm of a man with blood group B is?

      6) Dominant generation in bryophytes is

      7) Random change in DNA base composition is referred to ?

      8).The protoplasm is made up of ——- and ——-

      9) Causative organism for typhoid fever is?

      10) The removal of bilirubin from the body of man is carryout by?

      11) Evolution based on fossil record is called what

      12) Characteristics of anamophillous flower is the ____

      13. The ecological location in which an organism lives and survivew in called


      14. The evidence of evolution that’s based on fossil record is?
      A ) paleontology
      B) Histology
      C) Embryology

      15. If a man of group O receive blood from group A what will happen

      16. A color blind man ( X^n Y) married a woman carrying the trait ( X^N X^n). what percentage of their children will be colour blind.
      a. 25%
      b. 50
      d. 100%
      16. A Tullgren funnel is used to determine what.
      18. If a man with blood group O receives blood from a person which blood group A, which of the following will occur
      a. Agglutination
      b. no agglutination
      19. Absorption of mineral salts in plant roots occurs by
      a. Osmosis
      b. Diffusion
      c. active transport
      20.Which of the following blood groups will give blood group AB ONLY when crossed
      a. AB
      b. AA
      d. O
      21. The fins of a whale, the hands of a man, and winds of a bat can be related to
      a. homologous
      b. heterologous
      c. heterozygous
      d. homozygous
      22. The diagram of a Mushroom was given and labeled I to IV. Which of the following oroduces spores.
      23. Which of the following is the process of assimilating good the digestive system of man
      a. Ingestion —> Digestion —> Absorption —> Assimilation
      b. Digestion —> ingestion —> assimilation —> absorption
      c. assimilation — digestion—> ingestion —> absorption
      24. The movent of a Euglena towards light of low intensity is
      a. negative phototaxis
      b. positive phototaxis
      25. Roots hairs occur in
      a. piliferous layer
      b. pericycle
      c. cambium
      26. Montane vegetation can be found in what part of Nigeria
      a. Yenegoa
      b. Mambila
      c. Awka
      d. Ekiti
      27. Which biome can be found in Nigeria
      a. Tropical Rain forest
      b. coniferous forest
      28. The law of use and disuse was propounded by
      a. Lamarck
      b. Darwin
      c. Hugo
      29. The caste of termite is composed of
      a. soldier, drone, king and queen
      b soldier, drone, queen and reproductives

      30. Fishes, prawns and crabs are collectively called.
      a. pisces
      b. crustacean

      31.A quadrant can be used to do which of the following
      a. determine the total number of a specie in a population
      32. A diagram of the digestive system was given. Which of the following part labelled I to IV produces hormones and digestive enzymes. The answer is pancreas
      33. Which of the following is called a master gland.
      a. pituary gland
      b. adrenal gland


      1)Calculate the frequency of the sound wave generated in a pipe length 0.45m closed at one end, if the velocity of the sound air is 340m/s

      2) At an air temp 30°C, the saturated vapour pressure of water vapour is 24.4mmHg and at dew point at 60°C it is 10.5mmHg. Find the relative humidity of air.

      3) The cubic expansivity of mercury is 1.8 x 10-4K-1 and the linear expansivity of glass 8.0 x 10-6K-1, calculate the apparent expansivity of mercury in a glass container
      A. 1.00 x 10-4K-1
      B. 1.56 x 10-4K-1
      C. 1.72 x 10-4K-1
      D. 2.04 x 10-4K-1

      4) 4kg of water heated with heat at which draw 4.2A from a 200V main for 2mins. What is the increase in temp of water, given Heat capacity= 4200jk/g/k.

      5) Mathematically, Snell’s can be stated as?

      6) Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltmeter supply of 220V when current of 10A pass through for 150s

      7) What is the device that convert AC to DC

      8) A person standing 99m foot tall of a tall Clift drop his hands and hear an echo 0.33s later, cal the the speed of sound 6×6.6m/s air

      9) Centripetal and centrifugal area are equal at ?

      10) Mass of photon of wavelength 7×10^-7m which behaves like a particle is (h= 6.63×10^-34), e= 3.0×10^8
      If the threshold frequency of fungsten is 2.5×10^-18Hz, what is the work function. (6.6×10^-30)

      12) A load 96N is lifted by a machine which has a velocity ratio of 5. What is the force if it’s efficiency is 80%

      13. Calculate the expansion of a 20m rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C (Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k)

      14. A device used in storing charge is…

      15. When a musical instrument is sounded, the overtone emanating from it is?

      16. The Instrument used in determining weight of an object is?A. Lever balance. B. Spring balance. C. Beam balance

      17. Calculate the position of an object in front of a concave mirror of focal length 0.15m such that the image formed is 0.09m away.

      18. The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is:
      A.Amplitude. B. Wavelength. C.half wavelength. D. quarter wavelength

      19. The absolute-zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which? A.thermal motion ceases. B. temperature of gas is 273°C. C. Ice melts. D.pressure of real gas is maximum

      20. Wave is represented by equation A sin pie/4 (vt+x). Calculate the wave length

      21. Calcuating relative humidity of air

      22. Two capacitor of capacitance 10 and 2 connected in series .Find the 3rd capacitance to give 4uF

      23. Calculate the length of spring when the applied force is 40N

      24.Electroscope uses

      25. The equipment that works as a result of magnetic effect of current is___
      A. Rheostat
      B. Electric bell
      C. Thermostat
      D. Carbon microphone

      26.Angle of declination is
      Answer: the angle between the geographic and magnetic meridian

      27. The dimensions of power is
      A. ML²T³
      B. ML²T²
      C. ML T²
      D. ML-¹T-²

      28. A latitude the fundamental frequency of sound waves generated on a pipe of length 0.45m closed at one end if the velocity of the sound in air is 340ms-¹
      (a) 189Hz (b) 200Hz (c) 241Hz (d) 497Hz

      29. In an AC circuit resistance by a capacitor or an inductor is termed
      (a) impedance (b) reactant (c) resonance (d) inductance

      30. In the common emitter transitor amplified, the input signal is applied between the
      (a) base and emitter (b) emitter and ground (c) emitter and collector (d) collector and ground




      1) IUPAC nomenclature for CH3CH=CH(CH3)2

      2) : Which metal will liberate hydrogen from HNO3
      A. Zinc
      B. Copper
      C. Tin
      D. Aluminum

      3: Mass ratio between Hydrogen and Chlorine in a alkane is 3:16, cal it’s molecular formula

      4): Preparation of ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove ?

      5): Calculate the amount of hydrogen ion conc of a solution with PH3 at 25°c

      6): Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?

      7): Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and ?

      8): The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is ?

      9): A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is what?
      a. Zn
      b. Ca
      c. Al
      d. Mg

      10).: In a flame test for the colour of sodium metal is?

      11): 5.25g of CaCl2 salt is required to form saturated solution with 180cm^3 of water at 298k, cal it’s solubility at what temp.

      12): Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.

      13): The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is?

      14): Two isotopes X and Y 22 and 24 ocure in ratio 3:2 determine the relative atomic mass of Y

      15): Cal the pH in 0.001mol/dm^3 NaOH

      16): Two elements have 13, 8 respectively when they combine they form what
      A. C8H28
      B. C8H36

      17).: Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what?

      18) : Arrange according to their boiling point, butanol, ethanol, Hexane, pentanoic acid

      19): Methane react with chlorine at room temp to produce tetracholromethane in the presence of?

      20: Soapless detergent can be represented by (formula)?

      21) : Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what

      22. A gas has a volume of 25cm^3, calculate the pressure if the volume is increased by 15% at s.t.p

      23. SO2 is collected by downward displacement because?

      24. the bonding in an oxonium ion consists of?
      a. ionic and covalent
      b. coordinate covalent
      c. dative and covalent
      d. ionic and dative

      25. when ammonium chloride is mixed with aqueous sodium chloride the separation technique used is
      a. decantation
      b. sublimation
      c. filtration
      d. evaporation

      26. The process of conversion of alkanol to alkene is ?

      27. The process of conversion of straight chain hydrocarbon to branch chain is called?

      28. H²S —-> H² + S The oxidation number of sulphur changes from?



      (1) The military leader blazed the trail by handing power to the civilians. This means:

      2. Opposite of the word:- Muddled, abridged, staunch, competent, mild, vehemently
      Nearest in meaning: lucid, audacious, boring.

      3. (II) flabbergasted – FLAbbergasted
      (III) euphemism – EUphemism

      4. The word in capital letters have the emphatic stress, choose the option to which the given sentence relates
      My father BOUGHT the Car.
      A. Whose father buy a car?
      B. Did your father buy a house?
      C. Did your father steal a car?
      D. I can’t remember

      5. Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word
      Coporal punishment is meant to be a “deterrent” to indiscipline.
      A. Remedy B. Measure C. Discouragement D. Intervention

      6. What is correct stress pattern of “commensialism

      7. What word has the same consonant sound as shown in the underlined letter?
      pray ?
      A. War B. Burn C. Sword D. Roar

      8. What word has the same vowel sounds as shown?
      A. Bore B. Jaw C. Joy

      9. Identify the following that has the same sounds as the above:;

      10. The artist wore a __________ at the concert
      a. silk blue beautiful dress
      b. beautiful blue silk dress
      c. blue beautiful silk dress
      d. silk dress beautiful blue

      Literature chosen; sweet sixteen which surprised every candidate because we never expected it

      1. “Aliya your mind is like a beautiful room” from this exercept expression of beautiful room refers to
      2. Aliya’s relationship with Bobo can be referred to as
      3. Aliya’s father refers to her as priceless because
      4. Aliya was jealous of the girls Hawking oranges because
      5. Mr Bello was not happy with the gift given to his daughter because


      1 What gas is released after exposing chloride water to sunlight
      A. cl
      B. N2
      C. H2
      D. O2

      2. Two isotopes X and Y, 22 and 24 occur in ratio 3:2. Determine the relative atomic mass of Y

      3 The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is
      A. 1
      B. 2
      C. 3
      D. 4

      4 Methane react with chlorine at room temperature to produce tetrachloromethane in the presence of?

      5 what is the maximum number of electrons in the 3rd shell of an aluminum atom
      a. 8
      b. 3
      c. 2
      d. 1

      6 Chlorine is prepared by upward displacement of air because?

      7 Aluminium is preferred to Copper for making overhead electrical cables because Aluminium is
      A. lighter
      B. heavier
      C. cheaper
      D. expensive

      Calculate the solubility of NaCl at 65⁰C when 225g of salt dissolves in 1dm³ of solution. [Na= 23, Cl=35.5]
      A. 3.85
      B. 2.39
      C. 2.93
      D. 3.58

      9 Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?

      10 S block elements of the periodic table are made up of
      groups 1, 2, 3
      group 3 to 7
      groups 1, and 2
      group 3

      11 The organic compound that decolourizes acidified KMnO4 solution but does not react with Ammoniacal Silver Trioxonitrate(V) solution belongs to
      A. alkanes
      B. alkenes
      C. alkynes
      D. alkanols

      1 Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower.
      a. numerous and light pollen grains.
      b. brightly coloured petals.
      c. presence of nectar.
      d. scented flower

      2 The local biome in Nigeria that doesn’t have enough tree is
      b)rain forest

      – 3 Periodic shedding of exoskeleton of an insect is called….

      4 The dominant in bryophytes is
      a) sporophyte
      b) gametophyte
      -5 The part of the Mammalian skin where pigment is found is….

      -6 Excretory organ in fish and amphibian is…

      7 Which biome can be found in Nigeria
      a. Tropical Rain forest
      b. coniferous forest
      8 The law of use and disuse was propounded by
      a. Lamarck
      b. Darwin
      c. Hugo

      9 Absorption of mineral salts in plant roots occurs by
      a. Osmosis
      b. Diffusion
      c. active transport
      10 The production of energy in living things is
      a) respiration
      b) nutrition

      11 Roots hairs occur in
      a. piliferous layer
      b. pericycle
      c. cambium

      1- Presence of impurities in zinc used in simple cell causes

      2 Silicon doped with aluminium and germanium doped with arsenic becomes ?

      n- and p- types respectively
      p-type semiconductors
      n-type semiconductors
      p- and n- respectively

      3 A load of 160N is lifted by a machine which has a VR of 5 what is the forced expended by the machine if the efficiency is 80%

      4 The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is:
      b) wavelength
      c) half wavelength
      d) quarter wavelength

      -5 A device used in storing charge is…

      6 The equipment that works as a result of magnetic effect of electric current is:
      a) Rheostat
      b) Thermostat
      c) Electric bell
      d) Carbon microphone

      -7 The Instrument used in determining weight of an object is..

      8- Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltage supply of 220V when a current of 10A pass through it for 150s

      – 8 Lenz law is the law of conservation of

      -9 Calculate the frequency of a sound wave generated in a pipe of length 0.45m closed at one end. (velocity of the sound air is 340m/s)

      10 Calculate electrical energy with 220V currents of 10A in 150sec

      -11 What is the device that convert AC to DC

      – 12 Calculate the expansion of a 20m rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C (Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k

      13 Where can a man place his face to get an enlarged image when using a concave mirror to shave?

      14 between the principal focus and the pole
      between the principal focus and the pole
      at the principal focus
      Between the centre of curvature and the principal focus
      Which of the following instruments is most suitable for measuring the outside diameter of a narrow pipe in a few millimeters in diameter?
      A Pair of calipers
      B Meter rule
      C Micrometer screw gauge
      D Tape rule

      15 4kg of water is heated with a heating coil which draws 4.2A from a 200V main supply for 2 mins. What is the increase in temperature of the water

      16 Two forced formin a couple are separated by a distance of 0.25m if one of the forces is 40N, calculate the distance between them

      -17 The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is….

      1 Choose the word that rhymes with the word below
      a) Pretty
      b) Pride
      c) Pray
      d) Clay

      2 The artist wore a __________ at the concert
      a. silk blue beautiful dress
      b. beautiful blue silk dress
      c. blue beautiful silk dress
      d. silk dress beautiful blue

      Why did aliyah father take her to a place?
      a.To show her his office
      b.To have a conversation with her
      c.To spend time with her



      1) IUPAC nomenclature for CH3CH=CH(CH3)2
      2) : Which metal will liberate hydrogen from HNO3
      A. Zinc
      B. Copper
      C. Tin
      D. Aluminum

      3: Mass ratio between Hydrogen and Chlorine in a alkane is 3:16, cal it’s molecular formula

      4): Preparation of ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove ?

      5): Calculate the amount of hydrogen ion conc of a solution with PH3 at 25°c

      6): Anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, X is?

      7): Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and ?

      8): The iodine that can be added to table salt to prevent goiter is ?

      9): A metal extracted from it’s ore by electricity is what?

      10).: In a flame test for the colour of sodium metal is?

      11): 5.25g of CaCl2 salt is required to form saturated solution with 180cm^3 of water at 298k, cal it’s solubility at what temp.

      12): Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.

      13): The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is?

      14): Two isotopes X and Y 22 and 24 ocure in ratio 3:2 determine the relative atomic mass of Y

      15): Cal the pH in 0.001mol/dm^3 NaOH

      16): Two elements have 13, 8 respectively when they combine they form what
      A. C8H28
      B. C8H36

      17).: Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what?

      18) : Arrange according to their boiling point, butanol, ethanol, Hexane, pentanoic acid

      19): Methane react with chlorine at room temp to produce tetracholromethane in the presence of?

      20: Soapless detergent can be represented by (formula)?

      21) : Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is what


      1. If the 5th term of a GP is 9 times tge 3rd term, Find the positive difference

      2. 100001-11111. What will be the value if the above subtraction was in base 2?

      3. The angle of depression of a point from the top of a cliff is 30• If the cliff is 45m high, what is the distance between the two points?

      4. The sector of a circle of radius 7m is enclosed at an angle of 45• What is the perimeter of the sector?

      5. Make q the subject of the formula
      R= PQ(Q-q)

      6. What will be the remainder when
      x^3 -5x^2 -x +5 is divided by x+5

      7. What will be the difference of 3% of x and 1/3 of x if x is 45,000

      8. Find t if (2t-1)^2 +16 = (2t+1)^2

      9. S varies as the square root of T. S is 2 when T is 4. Find S when T is 36

      10. y varies as the cube root of x. When y is 16, x is 64. Find y when x is 27

      11. Find the derivative of 1/6 (2x^2 -3)^2

      12. Find the equation of the line that passes throught the points (-2,3) and (3,-2)

      13. If the midpoint of (m,n) and (-2,3) is ( -4,1) Find(m,n)

      14. 121 base n is equal to 16 base 10. What is the value of n?

      15. What are the possibe values of x. x^2 = 5x-6

      16. What principal will amount to 26,000 after 6 years at 5% per annum simple interest

      17. Find the locus of points equidistant from (k,k) and (-k,-k)

      18. (2+1/12 – 2+2/3) divided by (2+2/3)

      19. Integrate x^k (k+1) +k

      Venn diagram
      Pie chart
      Inequality Graph


      Which pH value indicates a basic solution?


      Which pH value indicates a basic solution?

      The acid in electrolysis of water is dilute


      This are method use in producing H2O2 except

      B.reaction with alkali
      D.propane 123 triol

      The difference between colloids and suspensions is brought out clearly by the fact that while colloids

      do not scatter light, suspensions do
      do not settle out on standing, suspensions do
      can be separated by filtration, suspension cannot be so separated
      can be separated by membrane, suspensions cannot

      Which of the following metals does not form oxides?
      A. Lead
      B Aluminium
      C Gold
      D Zinc

      When a red rose flower is observed in blue light, what colour does the observer see?


      s block elements of the periodic table are made up of

      groups 1, 2, 3
      group 3 to 7
      groups 1, and 2
      group 3

      Calculate the mass of ice that would melt when 2kg of copper is quickly transferred from boiling water to a block of ice without heat loss

      80/33 kg
      33/8 kg
      8/33 kg

      In a flame test for calcium, the flame appears

      blue when viewed through a blue glass
      green when viewed through a blue glass
      orange-red when viewed through a blue glass
      brick-red when viewed through a blue glass

      Pollution of underground water by metal ions is very likely in a soil that has high

      nitrate content
      chloride content

      N2O4(g) ⇔ 2NO2(g)
      In the endothermic reaction above, more product formation will be favoured by

      a decrease in pressure
      a decrease in volume
      a increase in pressure
      constant volume

      Which of the following is a hygroscopic substance?


      Which of the following instruments is most suitable for measuring the outside diameter of a narrow pipe in a few millimeters in diameter?

      Pair of calipers
      Meter rule
      Micrometer screw gauge
      Tape rule

      Where can a man place his face to get an enlarged image when using a concave mirror to shave?

      between the principal focus and the pole
      between the principal focus and the pole
      at the principal focus
      Between the centre of curvature and the principal focus

      One of the methods used for combating air pollution is

      Burning of solid waste
      Provision of sanitary land fills
      Legislation against some industrial practices
      Scavenging of refuse dumps
      Iron is often galvanized in order to

      Render it passive
      Protect it against corrosion
      Remove the impurities unit
      Make it more malleable

      Which of the following pollutants is associated with brain damage?

      Sulphur (IV) Oxide
      Carbon (II) Oxide
      Radioactive Fallout
      Biodegradable waste

      In the discovery of protein, the instrument used is

      cathode ray tube
      glass tube and discharge tube
      discharge tube with central cathode
      discharge tube with terminal cathode

      The factor that lowers the activation energy of a chemical reaction is


      Which quantum number divides shells into orbitals?

      A gas X diffuses twice as fast as gas Y. If the relative molecular mass of X is 32, calculate the relative molecular mass of Y.


      Which of the following will produce a solution with pH less than 7 at equivalent point?

      HCl + Mg(OH)2
      HNO3 + KOH
      H2SO4 + KOH
      HNOM2 + NaOH

      The decolourization of the purple colour of tetraoxomanganate (VII) ion is a test for


      Which of the noble gases has the greatest ionization energy


      Tartaric acid is used industrially to

      dry substance
      remove rust
      make fruit juice
      make baking powder

      Silicon doped with aluminium and germanium doped with arsenic becomes ?

      n- and p- types respectively
      p-type semiconductors
      n-type semiconductors
      p- and n- respectively

      The director of a public corporation is the
      A.board of directors
      C.General manager
      D.Managing director
      The clerical part of the civil service is responsible for
      The warrant chiefs were established in the East because
      What was the main feature of lyttleton constitution

      A candidate can win in an absolute majority system if the candidate has
      A.40% of the votes cast
      B.60% of the votes cast
      C.highest nunber of votes cast
      D.50% of the votes cast

      Which factor of political socialization affects the early view of a citizen about politics
      A.pressure group
      C.political party

      A system whereby citizens contest in elections individually is known as party system
      B.multiparty system
      C.two party system party system

      The evidence of evolution that’s based on fossil record is?
      A ) paleontology
      B) Histology
      C) Embryology

      The theory of use and disuse was proposed by?

      The dominant in bryophytes is
      a) sporophyte
      b) gametophyte

      The local biome in Nigeria that doesn’t have enough tree is
      b)rain forest

      The production of energy in living things is
      a) respiration
      b) nutrition

      If a man with blood group O receives blood from a person which blood group A, which of the following will occur
      a. Agglutination
      b. no agglutination

      Absorption of mineral salts in plant roots occurs by
      a. Osmosis
      b. Diffusion
      c. active transport

      Montane vegetation can be found in what part of Nigeria
      a. Yenegoa
      b. Mambila
      c. Awka
      d. Ekiti

      Fishes, prawns and crabs are collectively called.
      a. pisces
      b. crustaceans

      Which of the following is a characteristic of an anemorphilus flower.
      a. numerous and light pollen grains.
      b. brightly coloured petals.
      c. presence of nectar.
      d. scented flower

      The ecological location in which an organism lives and survivew in called

      A community which remains unchanged is known as
      a)colonized community
      b)stable community
      c) climax community
      d) ?

      A community which remains unchanged is known as
      a)colonized community
      b)stable community
      c) climax community
      d) ?

      The part of the mammalian skin where pigment is found is
      A) Malpighian later
      B) Cornified layer
      C) Sebum
      D.) Sebaceous gland

      The endocrine gland referred to as the master gland is what

      The antibody in blood group b is

      The causative organism of typhoid is

      The protoplasm consist of the_______
      a) cytoplasm and nucleus
      b) cytoplasm and vacuole

      Which artery carries deoxygenated blood
      a)renal artery
      b) pulmonary arteries

      Which of the following blood groups will give blood group AB ONLY when crossed
      a. AB
      b. AA
      d. O

      Which of the following is the process of assimilating good the digestive system of man
      a. Ingestion —> Digestion —> Absorption —> Assimilation
      b. Digestion —> ingestion —> assimilation —> absorption
      c. assimilation — digestion—> ingestion —> absorption

      The evidence of evolution that’s based on fossil record is?
      A ) paleontology
      B) Histology
      C) Embryology

      A Tullgren funnel is used to determine what.

      The theory of use and disuse was proposed by?

      The endocrine gland referred to as the master gland is what

      The movent of a Euglena towards light of low intensity is
      a. negative phototaxis
      b. positive phototaxis

      A color blind man ( X^n Y) married a woman carrying the trait ( X^N X^n). what percentage of their children will be colour blind.
      a. 25%
      b. 50
      d. 100%

      The fins of a whale, the hands of a man, and winds of a bat can be related to
      a. homologous
      b. heterologous
      c. heterozygous
      d. homozygous

      The removal of bilirubin from the body is carried out by the
      A) Kidney
      B) Liver
      C) Lungs
      D) Skin

      Find the nearest in meaning of the following sentence
      It is unatural for my daughter to be Audacious
      – Aliya’s relationship with Bobo can be referred to as…

      1) Calculate log₀.₅ 32.
      a) -5
      b) -4
      c) 5
      d) 4

      – Why did aliyah father take her to a place?
      a.To show her his office
      b.To have a conversation with her
      c.To spend time with her

      The cubic expansivity of mercury is 1.8 x 10-4K-1 and the linear expansivity of glass 8.0 x 10-6K-1, calculate the apparent expansivity of mercury in a glass container
      A. 1.00 x 10-4K-1
      B. 1.56 x 10-4K-1
      C. 1.72 x 10-4K-1
      D. 2.04 x 10-4K-1
      God stopped Abram from sacrificing his son because of _
      – A device used in storing charge is…
      – Presence of impurities in zinc used in simple cell causes
      God directed noah to Nineveh to _

      Examples of luminous objects include:
      i. sun
      ii. star
      iii. moon
      iv.lighted bulb
      a)i, iii
      b) i, iv
      c) ii, iv
      d) i, ii, iv

      – The Instrument used in determining weight of an object is….
      At what age did God call Abram
      a.80 years

      God directed noah to Nineveh to _

      – Aliya’s father refers to her as priceless because….
      At the end of the story, Amina became
      a)a lady
      b)a young adult

      The absolute-zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which:
      a) thermal motion ceases
      b) temperature of gas is 273°C
      c) ice melts
      d) pressure of real gas is maximum

      – Calculate the frequency of a sound wave generated in a pipe of length 0.45m closed at one end. (velocity of the sound air is 340m/s)
      – The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is….
      The reason why amina got A in chemistry is
      a) her father scolded her
      b) she did exam malpractice
      c) she was determined and read
      – Centripetal and centrifugal force are equal at….
      – The reason aliyah got an A in chemistry is because….
      – Mr Bello was not happy with the gift given to his daughter because….

      – Calculate the expansion of a 20m rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C (Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k)

      Which metal will liberate hydrogen from HNO3
      A. Zinc
      B. Copper
      C. Tin
      D. Aluminum

      The cubic expansivity of mercury is 1.8 x 10-4K-1 and the linear expansivity of glass 8.0 x 10-6K-1, calculate the apparent expansivity of mercury in a glass container
      A. 1.00 x 10-4K-1
      B. 1.56 x 10-4K-1
      C. 1.72 x 10-4K-1
      D. 2.04 x 10-4K-1

      Examples of luminous objects include:
      i. sun
      ii. star
      iii. moon
      iv.lighted bulb
      a)i, iii
      b) i, iv
      c) ii, iv
      d) i, ii, iv

      3.Identify the following that has the same sounds as the above:;
      d .

      The absolute-zero temperature is defined as the temperature at which:
      a) thermal motion ceases
      b) temperature of gas is 273°C
      c) ice melts
      d) pressure of real gas is maximum

      – Mathematically, Snell’s can be stated as…
      Why did aliyah father take her to a place?
      a.To show her his office
      b.To have a conversation with her
      c.To spend time with her

      Choose the word that rhymes with the word below
      a) Pretty
      b) Pride
      c) Pray
      d) Clay

      The reason why amina got A in chemistry is
      a) her father scolded her
      b) she did exam malpractice
      c) she was determined and read

      The son of man does not have a place to lay his head.
      Who made the above statement ?
      a Jesus
      c.the jewish disciples

      1) Calculate log₀.₅ 32.
      a) -5
      b) -4
      c) 5
      d) 4

      The distance between two successive nodes of a wave is:
      b) wavelength
      c) half wavelength
      d) quarter wavelength

      – Excretory organ in fish and amphibian is…
      – The Random change in a DNA base composition is referred to as …

      – The characteristics determined by a gene only on the x-chromosome is said to be ?
      – Stamen of flower consist of…

      – In toad the number of chromosomes is 22. The haploid number is….
      – Cal the mass of oxygen liberated when 2.5F is passed through CuSO4 solution.
      – Iron produced directly from blast furnace is…

      – Two isotopes X and Y, 22 and 24 occur in ratio 3:2. Determine the relative atomic mass of Y

      – HCl is regarded as strong acid because?
      – Cal the pH in 0.001mol/dm^3 NaOH

      – Ions that causes hardness of water are removed in the industry by
      – Gases used for fountain experiment are ammonia and …..

      – Zinc is not regarded as a transition element because

      – Primary alkanol warmed with KMnO4 will produce
      – Arrange according to their boiling point: , ethanol, butanol, pentanoic acid, Hexane
      – Chlorine is prepared by upward displacement of air because

      – In the laboratory preparation of ethyne, the gas is passed through acidified CuSO4 to remove….

      – Indicator used for the titration of KOH solution against ethanoic acid is…

      – An anhydrous compound X on exposure to atmospheric moisture turns blue, what is X?

      – Methane react with chlorine at room temperature to produce tetracholromethane in the presence of…
      – 4kg of water is heated with a heater which drew 4.2A from a 200V main for 2mins. What is the increase in temp of water? (Heat capacity= 4200jk/g/k.)

      – Presence of impurities in zinc used in simple cell causes
      – Calculated the energy produced by heater with voltage supply of 220V when a current of 10A pass through it for 150s

      – The Instrument used in determining weight of an object is….

      – Centripetal and centrifugal force are equal at….

      – Lenz law is the law of conservation of

      – Calculate the frequency of a sound wave generated in a pipe of length 0.45m closed at one end. (velocity of the sound air is 340m/s)

      – Calculate the expansion of a 20m rod when heated from 0°C to 60°C (Linear expansivity of a rod 1.2×10^-5k)

      – What is the device that convert AC to DC?
      – Aliya’s father refers to her as priceless because….

      – Why did aliyah father take her to a place?
      a.To show her his office
      b.To have a conversation with her
      c.To spend time with her

      Nearest in meaning
      – Corporal punishment is meant to be a (deterrent) to indiscipline
      a. remedy
      b. measure
      c. discouragement
      d. prevention

      Nearest in meaning
      It is unatural for my daughter to be (Audacious)

      Roots hairs occur in
      a. piliferous layer
      b. pericycle
      c. cambium

      The caste of termite is composed of
      a. soldier, drone, king and queen
      b soldier, drone, queen and reproductives

      – Aliya’s father refers to her as priceless because….
      Zn + CuSO4 —-> ZnSO4 + Cu
      From the equation, Zinc acts as

      A. oxidising agent
      B. catalytic agent
      C. reducing agent
      D. precipitating agent

      A metal that will liberate H2 gas from dilute HN03 is

      A. Zinc
      B. Calcium
      C. Copper
      D. Magnesium

      Aluminium is preferred to Copper for making overhead electrical cables because Aluminium is

      A. lighter
      B. heavier
      C. cheaper
      D. expensive

      Methan reacts with Chlorine at room temperature to produce tetrachloromethane in presence of

      A. visible ligh5
      B. x-rays
      C. infrared light
      D. ultraviolet rays

      The number of unpaired electron in 16X atom is

      A. 1
      B. 2
      C. 3
      D. 4
      Conversion of C2H5OH to C2H4 in the presence of concentration H2SO4 at 180⁰C is by

      A. dehydration
      B. hydrolysis
      C. hydrogenation
      D. decarboxylation

      In the laboratory preparation of Ethyne, gas is passed through acidified CuS04 to remove

      A. carbonate impurities
      B. phosphine impurities
      C. nitrate impurities
      D. bromine impurities

      Solubility of NaCl in H20 is higher than in dilute HCl due to

      A. Tyndall effect
      B. Stark effect
      C. Common ion effect
      D. Solubility effect

      If 10cm³ of Nitrogen gas is sparked with 50cm³ of Hydrogen gas at temperature of 25⁰C and pressure of 40 atm. Calculate the volume of Hydrogen in excess

      A. 10 cm³
      B. 40 cm³
      C. 20 cm³
      D. 60 cm³

      The organic compound that decolourizes acidified KMnO4 solution but does not react with Ammoniacal Silver Trioxonitrate(V) solution belongs to

      A. alkanes
      B. alkenes
      C. alkynes
      D. alkanols

      Iron can be extracted from

      A. cryolite
      B. dolomite
      C. magnetite
      D. cassiterite

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