LASU School of Part-time Studies announces 2nd batch admitted students 2022/2023

LASU School of Part-time Studies announces 2nd batch admitted students 2022/2023; Lagos State University (LASU) School of Part-Time Studies (SPTS) has released the second batch of admitted candidates for the 2022/2023 academic session.


All admitted candidates are required to participate in the online admission clearance exercise using the LASU Central Admissions Clearance App (SPTS-LACACA).

Successful candidates will be assigned matriculation numbers upon completion, while unsuccessful candidates will forfeit their provisional admission offers as reported by Student Village

LASU School of Part-time Studies announces 2nd batch admitted students 2022/2023

Procedure for LACACA-SPTS Operation:

To complete the LACACA-SPTS operation, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Visit the LASU website:
  2. Point to the STUDENT tab and click on SPTS LACACA.
  3. Click the button beside “Newly Admitted 2022/2023.”
  4. Enter your Application Number and Surname, then click on Submit.
  5. Upon successful login, you will be redirected to your dashboard, where you will be required to complete the following: a) Validate your basic bio-data details. b) Verify your disability status. c) Upload valid O’Level Results Scratch Card details. d) Upload your original Birth Certificate. e) Upload your Admission Letter. f) Upload a scanned Signature. g) Upload the payment receipt of the consultancy fee into the LASU Consult Ltd account.
    • Bank: LOTUS
    • Account Name: LASU CONSULT
    • Account Number: 1000776393
    • Amount: ₦5,000
      (Note: Printing the SPTS Admission Clearance Certificate and receiving the Matriculation Number are subject to successful confirmation of the consultancy fee payment by LASU Consult Ltd).
      h) Submit the application by checking the “I Agree” text box and click on Submit.
  6. At this stage, the Admission Clearance progress will be at 20%, while your submitted documents will undergo further scrutiny by dedicated University officials.
  7. Regularly check for updates on the progress of your Admission Clearance, as your attention may be required based on your uploaded documents.
  8. Candidates with errors requiring correction should pay for the necessary corrections on the LASU payment portal:
  9. Once 100% clearance progress is attained and the consultancy fee payment into LASU Consult Ltd account is confirmed, successful candidates will be able to print the SPTS Admission Clearance Certificate for the 2022/2023 Academic Session and will be assigned a Matriculation Number.

Note for Rejected Students:

Rejected students should visit the Directorate of School of Part-Time Studies at the 1st floor, former Students’ Affairs Building, Opposite Babatunde Raji Fashola Senate Building, main Campus, Ojo, Lagos, for further guidance.


LASU School of Part-Time Studies congratulates all the admitted candidates and encourages them to complete the online admission clearance process promptly.

By following the outlined steps, candidates can ensure a smooth process toward obtaining their Admission Clearance Certificate and Matriculation Number. LASU remains committed to providing quality education and wishes all students success in their academic journey.

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