7 Ways Students Can Break Their Phone Addiction

7 Ways Students Can Break Their Phone Addiction
7 Ways Students Can Break Their Phone Addiction

7 Ways Students Can Break Their Phone Addiction; The study found that 38.9% of the students were addicted to their smartphones. Of those with an addiction, 68.7% had poor sleep quality, compared to 57.1% of those who did not have an addiction.

Some researchers found students who used their phones for several hours during activities with family or friends and after midnight was most likely to be at high risk of becoming addicted to their mobile phones, instead of studying their books.

What’s more, the study found that those students who stopped using their device an hour before bed were less likely to be addicted compared to those who stopped less than 30 minutes prior to bedtime.

However, according to the study, smartphone addiction was associated with poor sleep, independent of the duration of usage, indicating that length of time should not be used as a proxy for harmful usage.

7 Ways To Break Your Phone Addiction As A Student

1. Stop charging your phone near your bed

When you get into your bed, you are permitted to do one major task, sleep and nothing else. Students end up spending more time than they plan on their phones when they are in bed with them instead of sleeping. You see that socket in your room, find a way to put it somewhere else.

2. Get an actual alarm clock instead of using the alarm on your phone.

Phone manufacturers create their phones with the intention that they don’t want you to ever put it down, that way they ensure it is equipped with everything that your daily life needs, you are the one to decide how much power your phone has over you. Something has little as your phone being able to wake you up can get you addicted, how? Well when your alarm goes off and you put it off, the first thing you do is check your email, WhatsApp messages and Twitter mentions. Get an alarm clock.

3. Turn off your phone notification when you are studying.

Study time should be considered a sacred time and your phone’s notifications going off every second would just keep you on it instead of on your books. As often as you can, keep your notifications off, remember what I said in No 2, phone manufacturers want to keep you on your phone no matter what.

4. Delete Applications that are addictive and not important to you.

Uh oh! Many students would probably just call this article trash after such a bold statement. Phone addiction isn’t considered a medical issue yet but the cons supersede the pros by a landslide.

Get rid of addictive games (COD and Candy crush fans, I’m talking to you), social media applications that you can’t stay off for 2 days without feeling like your life is falling apart (Twitter and Tiktok influencers) Spending so much time on these applications just mean you are spending less time studying your books. And your books are definitely more important.

5. Make Your Intentions Clear With Your Phone And Stick To That

Many students are in toxic relationships with their mobile phones and it is every shade of bad, in order not to be addicted to your phone you have to be strong-willed, if your intention is to be on your phone for 20 mins, take a 30 off phone break, stick to it, no compromises, this will eventually reduce your chances of being addicted to your mobile phone.

6. Pick a day of the week and try a “Phone free day”

Don’t pick Friday though, Thursday just seems like the perfect day to have a phone-free day for me, remember we are trying to ensure you aren’t addicted to your phone, so you aren’t doing this for me but for yourself and your studies (grades)

7. Go out to nearby places without your phone

For security reasons, I’ll advise that you don’t go out without your phone at night, and if you will please notify someone about where you are going to and that you are without your phone, as a student I’ll advise you to take short strolls in the evening without your phone, but remember don’t go too far away. We want you to not get addicted to your phone but don’t go missing.

Smartphones are very effective tools for students but they can be very dangerous if caution isn’t taken.

The irony of this article is, that it was typed and edited on my Samsung Galaxy Phone (lol) please, like, share and comment.

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