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Agric Keypoints: Importance Of Agriculture

Agric Keypoints: Importance Of Agriculture; These Agriculture key points cover topics suitable for students sitting for the following examinations. WAEC, JAMB, NECO, IJMB, GCE, NABTEB

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Agric Keypoints: Importance Of Agriculture

A country’s economic and social development depends heavily on the field of agriculture. It is a significant source of food, raw materials, and energy for the entire world’s population and one of the biggest jobs. Here are some important considerations regarding the significance of agriculture:

  1. Food security: With the production of crops, livestock, and other food products that are necessary for human sustenance, agriculture serves as the primary source of food for the entire world’s population. Because it ensures a steady supply of food and lowers the likelihood of famine and hunger, agriculture contributes to global food security.
  2. Economic growth: An important part of a nation’s economy is agriculture because it provides revenue and job possibilities in rural areas. The textile, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic sectors all rely on the agriculture industry for crucial raw resources.
  3. Environmental conservation: By preserving and enhancing the quality of the land, water, and air, agriculture contributes significantly to environmental preservation. Sustainable agricultural methods are used by farmers to preserve biodiversity, reduce waste, and safeguard natural resources.
  4. Social development: Rural areas rely heavily on agriculture as a source of employment and revenue, and it also helps these communities’ general social and economic growth. A considerable fraction of the population, especially in rural areas, is supported by agriculture in many nations.
  5. Foreign exchange: A source of foreign exchange for nations that export agricultural goods like coffee, tea, cocoa, and fruits is agriculture. These exports help a nation’s economy by bringing in money and supporting employment.

In conclusion, agriculture is an important industry that serves the majority of people on the planet and helps a nation’s overall social and economic development. It is crucial that students comprehend the importance of agriculture and how it contributes to social development, economic growth, environmental preservation, and foreign exchange.

Agro-allied industries and their raw materials

Industries known as agro-allied industries manufacture finished goods using agricultural products as their raw ingredients. The following are some examples of agro-allied industries and the raw resources they use:

  1. Sugar industry – sugarcane
  2. Starch industry – cassava, maize, and potatoes
  3. Oilseed industry – soybeans, palm kernels, sunflower seeds, and cotton seeds
  4. Poultry industry – corn, soybeans, and wheat
  5. Livestock industry – hay, silage, and grass
  6. Dairy industry – milk from cows, goats, and sheep
  7. Brewery industry – malted barley, hops, yeast, and water
  8. Distillery industry – grain such as corn, wheat, and rye
  9. Textile industry – cotton, jute, silk, and wool
  10. Wood industry – timber from various trees such as pine and oak.

Economic contributions of Agriculture in West-Africa

Related; Agric Keypoints: Meaning And Scope Of Agriculture

West Africa’s economic development has been significantly influenced by agriculture and continues to be so today. Among the major ways that agriculture has helped the area’s economy develop are:

  1. Employment as a Major Source of Income: For many individuals in West Africa, both commercial and subsistence agriculture provides a significant source of income. As a result, many people’s quality of life has increased, and the economy of the area as a whole has benefited.
  2. Creation of Jobs: Both directly and indirectly, agriculture has the ability to generate a significant amount of jobs in the area. This covers employment prospects in a variety of industries, including farming, processing, transportation, and marketing.
  3. Boost to Trade and Exports: Numerous agricultural goods from West Africa are in high demand both in the region and beyond. This increased trade and exports and generated a sizable amount of foreign exchange for the area.
  4. Food Security: By generating the food required to support the region’s rapidly expanding population, agriculture plays a crucial role in guaranteeing food security in West Africa. This is crucial given that the region’s food imports are frequently constrained and vulnerable to price variations.
  5. Promoting Rural Development: Through the creation of job opportunities, the development of infrastructure, and the expansion of access to essential services like health and education, agriculture has the ability to support rural development in West Africa.
  6. Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Small and medium-sized businesses dominate the agribusiness and agricultural processing industries in West Africa (SMEs). These SMEs are essential to the region’s economy and aid in its development and growth.

Overall, agriculture has a great deal of potential to contribute significantly to the economic growth of West Africa and has already done so. But for the sector to reach its full potential, it needs sufficient funding, infrastructure, and technology.

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